Alolan Parasect. Or Galaran Parasect I guess if it's Ireland
what'd they do
This shrimp fresh?
If I remember correctly Jim Davis has even said he likes and approves of such things. Wasn't there a Garfield minus Garfield book published at some point with his blessing?
You sound a lot like one of the local schizos on a /jp/ thread I frequent...
I can has a 4chan?
I often wonder if vampires have to piss a lot given they're basically on an all-liquid diet
I'm working on a Pokemon-like turn based game system I can customize and use across multiple game projects. There's a base set of code that handles shit you'll always have like loading a mon and its model into a battle scene or basic stuff for cutscenes, then you customize the game mechanics on top of that. So ideally the games made with it won't come out feeling too similar. I plan to open-source at least some of the base code.
One time I renamed the Ballz 3D rom to Ace Combat, and gave it to my friend telling them it was the legendary first game in the series.
holy based
My kind of memes
I don't know but they'll definitely have 6 fingers