
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Yeah, I play with the On Diet challenge and I'll still save my food for gardens since hunger is halved with the shadowmeld buff in effect.

Also for Clerics, it's a good place to build up your tome charges.

You can constantly get surprised attacks with hit-and-run so it's comparatively safe to hang around for food or artifact charges. About the only worry is blazing champions.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

It's made in Canada. But is it a product of Canada?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

Blandfruit is also flammable. The first thing I do when I see one is to harvest it and put it on a nonflammable location.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

I'm not getting the home feed problem. It loads up fine after I go back twice on the error.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (2 children)

Just to add, this occurs only if the poster's home instance and instance of the post is a mismatch. When I made an edit on a instance, it went through fine. It's only after I submitted an edit to a post on that I was able to reproduce the reported bug.

EDIT: Tested and confirmed it's also an issue with, so it's not with


I'm consistently getting this bug on 1.0.216. If I go to this post, tap on IninewCrow's comment, that starts with "Like Drump ...", to minimize that thread, then tap on it again to restore the thread, everything below their comment becomes an endless gray screen. Backing out and then opening the post again will fix the problem. When first entering the post, if I tap on a comment in one of the other thread chains, then I'm able to minimize comments in that particular chain without triggering the bug.

EDIT: This looks related so I'll add it here. If I go to this post, tap on AlolanVulpix's link, back out to the post, then tap on the overflow menu for the post, the whole screen becomes gray.

Also, AlolanVulpix's link isn't being resolved correctly by Connect and produces a "GoException: no routes for location: /post/39971490/14887796?hint=39971490/14887796&" error but viewing the post in the browser, it works fine. It seems like Connect is using the home instance of the poster rather, like how I grabbed the Lemmy link from the overflow menu for the original bug of my post and it gave me the instance for it rather than the instance link, where the post was posted.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

I'm not sure if it's working but here are 2 exceptions to the new feature.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Unmatched, in water. But if you're going that far you probably have a few aqua brews on hand. I wonder how Stasis would bring out a piranha; what if there is no water on sight, nearby?

You did bring up a good point about other allies. I almost never use a scroll of siren song because I never really needed an extra hand. But a Paladin with PoM is probably the most opportune time to take advantage of that scroll so I'll play around with it.


[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 weeks ago (10 children)

I like being able to scoop up the sad ghost with Stasis. The teleportation and attack direction with Beaming Ray is also useful. Still need to put some points into Life Link and try it out. I wonder if this armor ability, and its spells, might need a buff later on to incentivize people to use it more. Even with the full entourage of sad ghost and the earthen guardian, I don't see much benefit with PoM; in comparison to Trinity or AF. It's not bad, it's just not as good; in my opinion.


What's your opinion of the ability?

I think people that play with a couple of challenges, particularly Into the Darkness, will appreciate this one. While players in general may have less of a warm reception, preferring Trinity, I'm guessing. I mean if I had to pick the top one at the moment, it'd probably be Trinity. And I kinda like Ascended Form as well—mainly paired with a speed ring or Hallowed Ground.

I haven't spent enough time with PoM to get a good feel for it yet. Similarly with Trinity, though that's because of the number of combinations available. That one will take a while to gauge.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

For the cleric I'm guessing it's something like 50 or 100 turns after the last experience gain. I presumed the two were supposed to be under the same constriction, so once Hallowed Ground stopped producing unfurrowed grass, I wondered why RS kept going. Perhaps like you said, it may be because it's much longer for RS, which I didn't even know about.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Should bug reports be private messages on here rather than posts? Sometimes it may not be a bug and other players can chime in; like my report the other day. If it is a bug, a community post also gives awareness, which also nice.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

It's fixed in the latest beta. After you update, just toggle it back to Top in Comment Customizations, in Settings.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

The bug occurs with it on or off. Had it off and enabling the option but the bug persisted, after toggling the default sort to Top.

EDIT: This is on the current beta.


The description mentions that it spawns furrowed grass if you haven't gained experience in a while and this is working with Hallowed Grounds, however I'm still able to get dew and seeds from Rejuvenating Steps.

I'll piggyback this one as well. I had Iron Will through metamorphosis and expected to have 2 shielding but the skill seemed to do nothing for me. This was beta-2.5 I think while the Rejuvenating Steps one is in 2.7.


The current wording for LoH's description says it can stack up to a maximum of three casts worth of shielding. With LoH+2, I casted Bless+2, followed by 2 LoH, thinking I could cast a third, but this simply resulted in a used charge while I remained at 45 shielding. A slight tweak in the wording—something like, "Lay on Hands can be cast repeatedly, applying up to a maximum of three times the shielding"—would be helpful I think. I remembered the "three cast" part so I was confused initially.


You may be surprised to know that Cleanse will remove all stacked viscosity damage, or at least I was when I found out. That's quite a boon for the common Viscosity and something to consider the next time you get that enchantment. It can be particularly useful if you play with the Faith is my armor challenge.


Thought I'd make a post with my criticisms for the priest, to be fair to the pally. I still think priest is superior at this point in time.

Holy Lance needs to be rebalanced to 3 charges. There's just so many better and cheaper options. Even at 3, I don't know if I would use it much to justify taking.

I wouldn't mind a nerf to Hallowed Ground. I'd still take it to +3 at 3/4/5, as opposed to the current 3/5/7 area of effect. Even without a sandals of nature, it's worthwhile.

Mnemonic Prayer is very versatile but I would rather invest in Cleanse. I will use Cleanse much less often but the value proposition is, to me, better. The main value I've seen is with scrolls of mystical energy and targeting enemies.

Radiance is okay I guess. I rarely use it but there was a usage bump in the halls, mostly as a supplementary light source than an emergency escape.

I forget to use the free Guiding Light the vast majority of the time. The damage scales and in some ways it's better than the paladin's exclusive, but I like the paladin's more.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

How would you feel if Recall Inscription's inability to work on upgrade scrolls was extended to enchantment stones?

I think some nerfs to certain spells would make the cleric more in line with other classes. I wouldn't say the spells are broken, but the number and variety of spells gives the class a versatility and survivability that, in my opinion, currently leads the other classes.

You're generally going to get an enchantment stone at least once a run, provided you're checking for secret rooms. Probably 2 or 3 if you get a ring of wealth, or lucky weapon. Having 4 or 6 enchantment stones is a luxury only the cleric can have fairly easily.

EDIT: This spell is kinda bonkers with a scroll of mystical energy. Even at Recall Inscription+1, the 9 turns of recharging gives ~~enough~~ 2 charges to your tome that you can use RI to eke out more charging ~~for free~~. Optimally, you'd have RI+2 and use it after mystical energy has ended.

Heck, I wouldn't mind if RI had a special clause against recharging your tome; like the thief's Mystical Meal talent.

EDIT2: You can also use Mnemonic Prayer to eke out a bit more; provided you're a priest and invested in the spell.

I think I would just hard nerf RI to just runes and rule out stone of enchantment. But then many will probably complain.


The priest's description says the Guiding Light debuff can also be triggered by allies, wands, and some artifacts but I haven't seen any wands or allies triggering the debuff on mobs. Is this a bug?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I walked in on a gas filled chamber with Cleanse and the gas was chipping down my shield 2 ticks a turn while the Cleanse effect was up. The tooltip for the effect said it prevents all negative effects so I'm wondering if this particular scenario is working as intended. If environmental effects aren't included, maybe the description for Cleanse's effect could be more verbose?

EDIT: On v3.0beta2.3

EDIT2: I'll piggyback this as well since they're also priest mechanic questions. Radiance currently affects mobs within normally vision range but may not be targetable due to level darkness. I was able to hit two mobs on floor 22, despite them not being "visible" to my character; per the spell's description.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Who do you prefer at the moment?

Personally, it's the priest for me. Why? In short, the skills are better, in my opinion. As a fan of metamorphisizing to get rejuvenating steps, Hallowed Ground is my jam. Holy Lance looks spiffy as well. I haven't even used it yet because I've spent more time playing the paladin—to try and understand how to leverage their skills, since I expected this to be the worse counterpart at the moment.

I'll outline my beef with paladin talents. Lay on Hands is redundant because Bless+2 mostly outclasses it. And I presume many already invested 2 in to Bless, so why spend 2 or 3 on LoH? Yes, you can stack LoH up to 3 times for major shielding but alternatively, those 1 or 2 charges over a Bless could be used to help finish the boss/champion. LoH also doesn't give the bless buff which increases accuracy and evasion.

Aura of Protection is nice but again, I tend to defer to Bless; when fighting with a guardian or ghost. You should be avoiding situations where you're engaging more than one mob at a time and once your companion has the enemy's attention, you typically don't need a buff at the same time. You probably have Bless at +2 already and it only costs 1 charge, limiting AoP's attractiveness.

My main problem with Wall of Light is its cost. It should be buffed to 2. I would opt to use WoL when I can knock a mob down a chasm, but why would I when 2 Sunrays typically do the job for 2 charge? Yes, you can also use the wall to block off an escape but the skill is still very situational—you also can't control its placement—that I think the charge should be reduced to 2.

And lastly, Smite. I kinda feel like if this was rebalanced to a 1 charge skill, paladin would be much more competitive with the priest. It's often a 1HKO with heavier weapons, but I find it's more consistent with Sunrays, or Bless for weaker mobs. Smite shines if you have something like a lucky or projecting weapon, but those are few and far in between.

As a priest, Holy Weapon and Holy Armor are pretty much obsolete, but they're retained and fairly useful as a paladin. Nevertheless, I'm still squarely team priest, presently.

EDIT: Forgot to mention the challenges I play with, which plays a role in my valuation of different aspects. Hostile champions, badder bosses, on diet, swarm intelligence, forbidden runes.


I'm curious if there are people that consistently get this. And why?

Personally, it's pretty much a tie between this and the chaotic censer for my least favorite trinket. At +3, even in the demon halls, I felt the number of traps was lacking, in comparison to how useful other trinkets are. Maybe if the trinket also took trap area of effect into consideration and spread the traps out to provide more entire dungeon coverage, the current number of traps it increases wouldn't feel so meager.

Part of the problem is the trinket doesn't synergize as well as others. Even on a rogue and a talisman of foresight, it felt lackluster. I imagine it'd be more trouble than it's worth outside of those circumstances.

Or am I totally wrong on this and there's something I'm missing? I mean, the thing has remained unchanged since trinkets were introduced; about 5 months ago. Perhaps for a reason?


Would be nice to have a user's instance displayed in the results on the user search page. I was glad to see the change for the feed and post page and it would be helpful to be able to distinguish who's who at a glance. Particularly when you're trying to find a specific user and there's multiple accounts across instances with the same nickname.

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