I dunno, the strategy of the US hurting themselves in their confusion seems to be working pretty darn good.
They should be getting tired of all that winning any moment now.
If they are dead or missing they would be losers in his mind, so why bother wastng time or energy on it when you could be golfing and setting yet another course record.
I would love to see an televised Obama/Trump golf match just to show how much of a liar and cheat Trump is, even at golf. Trump would get waxed despite "winning his course championship" every single year.
We are getting to North Korea levels of propaganda and they are just gobbling it up.
A guerilla war with Canada would make afganistan look like a day at the beach, and Canada has the ability to launch attacks back.
It would be absolutely horrible for both sides. It's insane to believe these are real discussions we are having, despite the Trump supporting people I know ensuring me it would never come to this. Now no apologies to be found, they are just hiding and pretending it's not so bad.
Hopefully people look within themselves and feel some serious shame over supporting Trump.
I would think they want to not get caught up in a culture war, but also don't want a ton of government programs and costs and don't want to incur debt.
But people have no idea what anything means anymore and they just use words, like woke, and they use them wrong. So who even knows if people are talking about the same thing.
Aye, good fellow, thou speak’st with the wisdom of the ancients! Let it be known across the land that Europe and Canada, bound by blood, wit, and old-world cunning, shall stand as one against the brash and boisterous Yanks!
Let them boast of their might and prattle of their triumphs, yet we shall meet them with a union most steadfast, a league of wisdom and steel, tempered in the fires of history. With Europe’s age-old craft and Canada’s hardy spirit, we shall make merry sport of them, and with jest and jesting, lay them low in fair contest!
So raise thy flag, grasp thy quill or sword, and let us set forth, for victory shall be ours, and the Yanks shall rue the day they thought to best the Old World and its northern kin! What say’st thou?
I mean, literally none of these issues existed until Trump created them and if people can't see that then there just isn't much hope.
Maybe when the perfectly healthy at transition social security system collapses within 6 months of Trump taking office, people will wake up.