October is going to be a great month to get a cheap second hand computer.
What some devs don't understand is the "reward" on soulslikes is actually learning the boss itself. Figuring out the parrying patterns in Sekiro feels very good, it's not about what happens after beating the boss.
What makes it challenging and not punishing is having telegraphed moves, windows to punish the boss, and clear animation that shows you how to dodge/parry, without bullshit hitboxes.
Not even a megaslut or a kiloslut. I wonder if a gigaslut is physically possible?
Imagine one partner every ten seconds, during a 40h workweek, 52 weeks a year...
That's just 748,800 partners a year. Let's call it an even 750,000. That's a year and 4 months of professional fucking just to become a megaslut.
Even for someone dedicating themselves to the job 60h a week during their whole life (60 years), would still be just 67 times a megaslut, only 6.7% of the way to become a gigaslut.
I'm playing on shadps4 0.6.0, with the vertex explosion fix mod, and a couple of the emulator mods (60fps, disabled a couple things but I don't remember off the top of my head).
I have a pretty old PC, 2060RTX and 6700k CPU, and other than some crashes here and there and some terrible lag/frame pacing sometimes, it works pretty well! Good enough for me at least, been waiting many years to play.
I disagree, my grandpa used to hunt wild boars and I have eaten them a couple times. They're delicious, good meat.