
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

Thank you! I have read others too. Just got finished the original mistborn trilogy but I started out with Tress of the Emerald Sea a while back from a friends recommendation. Took a few chapters but Tress is likely to be one of my favorite books. Still gotta re-read to properly place it though.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 5 days ago (2 children)

I know I'm late to the party but just started WarBreaker by Brandon Sanderson. Really liking the book so far.

Oh shit though you're reading amulet? I absolutely loved that series as teenager. Got all the books but in the wrong order. Still love the art and remember it fondly.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I guess there's not much to this argument at this point between us. I hope you're right, and I would assume some resistance, but do doubt it to be significant. The courts are captured, national dems are weak, and even when talking about the power of state dems I've not seen much strong and resilient push back. Lastly, national dems have quite a bit of power in state politics. Don't doubt the ability of a crab to pull down it's fellow crab in it's own attempt to leave the bucket.

Thanks for the conversation. Though I'm a bit more pessimistic I can see you're at least a reasonable person

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

Not really if it's threatened and the dems instantly fold. A dozen or so congress members and few senate members in support of freezing elections, the threat of violence, and a continuation of what see we now. That's about all that's needed.

Still, though it'd argue it unlikely, military intervention cannot be ruled out

On this being a separate situation it's not really. It's just an expansion of your own hypothetical. In a world where red states halt elections they would also pressure blue states to do the same. Blue states would likely fold as they have to many of the more important issues recently.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (4 children)

OK. That's a wild thing to say. If you're willing to say that the red states may illegally fail to hold elections can you not recognize the likelyhood that they'd stop, by force, blue states from doing the same?

Do you seriously think blue states wouldn't fold if pressured to stop elections?

I'm not convinced that any of this will come to pass and elections will be stopped but if they want to they can and will.

[–] [email protected] 54 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (12 children)

Eh, not entirely. Typescript will build faster and the text editor can parse it quicker but once it hits the browser no speed is gained. It's kinda stated in the article but it dances around it quite well I wouldn't blame you for missing it.

This just makes transpilation quicker along with some other benefits while working with it in editor. It's still just JavaScript in the end this just gets it there quicker. Still very cool though.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

These bad boys were about to go to "charity" or something like that. Almost carried them there myself. Saw it in all its glory and saved my boys.

I didn't remember how many Barbie pogs I had but now they'll never leave me again.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

That's understandable. Sorry if I came off sour btw. I'm quite tired. You seem chill

[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

No, the SA80. I'm very familiar with the beautiful L96A1.

Looks like I was wrong though and the SA80 is supposed to be a service rifle. Look man, I'm tired, allow me some stupidity

[–] [email protected] 34 points 1 week ago (4 children)

You're right about our leaders but partially wrong about it being too late. There will be massive destruction and horrible outcomes but damage can still be decreased. With massive effort fewer dead, fewer impovrished, easier to reverse. This is true at each point.

Horrifyingly though our leaders will do nothing while pretending when it gets bad there was nothing they could have done at this point. That it's always been futile.

You may think me saying humanity can still do good work to lower damage is optimism but as a pessimist I understand that nothing will likely be done. Especially when most think it's already too late to do anything.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (6 children)

Wait, I know I'm late to the party, but is that a bullpup sniper rifle?


I can't see how a sniper rifle benefits from any of the positives of a bull-pup save for maybe the shorter profile being easier to store. Something a folding stalk would do just as well.


Not at all familiar with the gun. Please tell me it's a regular rifle intented for a designated marksmen and not a real sniper rifle. I see the optic which pushes me in that direction

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Gimp is great for regular photo editing but when it comes to digital painting or drawing it lacks alot of the features needed. Krita isn't as good, I'd argue, at photo editing as gimp is however so both have their place

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (2 children)

Love krita. Swapped over to it completely myself. Still missing a lot of what makes photoshop so good, but it's very good on its own


Yeah I'm not paying attention to that election shit till tomorrow. If I'm tempted I'll remember I have to stir my chilli.

I'd love to know any tips or suggestions you all have for homemade "no way in hell I'm watching that shit right now" chilli.

Gonna slowly simmer for 4 hours stirring every 5 minutes. Adding cocoa to the mix as I've heard it helps


We are officially finished with The Book. Now onto something that matters.

Today is an exploratory session to explore the lemmy codebase, see how well it's documented for contribution, and make a targets for contribution.

If anyones following along this week is dedicated to familiarizing ourselves with the codebase. Pull it down, set up our dev environment, run the code. After that pick a directory and attempt to explain a few functions to a duck. If a duck is not present find a google search result for the term "duck" will suffice.

As always, a stream will be available at the following link of myself doing this for around 2 hours starting one hour after this post is made.


Day 6!

You’re free to create a separate post for your own stuff if you wish, or you can post it as a comment below. I will corral any individual posts and post them here as a comment by Day 7. Rinse and repeat.


  1. Please remember to be kind. All skill levels are welcome here.
  2. AI art is not allowed.
  3. Submissions must be based on the daily prompt, but either traditional or digital mediums are welcome.

Thank you in advance, and let’s have fun! :)

Previous Inktober threads:
Inktober Day 1 - Backpack
Inktober Day 2 - Discover
Inktober Day 3 - Boots
Inktober Day 4 - Exotic
Inktober Day 5 - Binoculars


The bird looks better than the prompt and I'm ok with that


Yeah I'm only drawing one man


Yeah I didn't have much time today.

Also, I'm sorry for the content


This is a place to share your Inktober pieces and to discuss the the prompt, event, or anything related to inking. See this post for more information:

Strictly positive as the point is to force ourselves to do this daily with the hope of improving our skills through repetition. Constructive criticism welcome if you can phrase if positively.

Discussion post is live with the intent of talking about how this should be run with my current goals. Feel free to join up and hope into the discussion.

Link to Inkober 2024 community:[email protected] [email protected]


Welcome to week 4 of Reading Club for Rust’s “The Book” (“The Rust Programming Language”).

Starting today within the hour

"The Reading"

As we had some difficulty getting through the entire thing last week, this will be the continued reading of this section

Challenge this week

Rust Beginners Challenge - Write a file diff program [RUST] Instructions and an explination can be found in @[email protected]'s post here:

The Twitch Stream

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Welcome to week 3 of Reading Club for Rust’s “The Book” (“The Rust Programming Language”).

Have a shot at going through “the reading” and post any thoughts, confusions or insights here “The Reading”

The Twitch Stream

Video Tutorial

Andy Balaam’s videos on PeerTube are great. For this section, see “Rust 101 - 3:Memory and ownership” makes a good companion piece. On PeerTube:

What’s Next Week?

Chapter 5 ... Using Structs to Structure Related Data Start thinking about challenges or puzzles to try as we go in order to get some applied practice!

  • EG, Advent of Code …
  • Maybe some basic/toy web apps such as a “todo”
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Created a while ago from a DnD session where the PC's were stalking a leonin man meeting some friends in a shifty alley, beside a bar using krita along with it's perspective tools. Using Muses brush pack, I'll send a link if requested. Very nice pencil and charcoal brushes.

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