Denying such things in other animals has been part of a long-standing, mainly Western, push for human exceptionalism
Texan civility would never stoop to such levels
Humans haven't been tasty in a long time. And now they're contaminated with micro plastics and forever chemicals?? Forget it. Hard pass
Quite the meta statement of mainstream music
Don't have anything to add, just appreciation for your post. A true evil playthrough would be interesting. Done well it'd uncomfortable and illuminating. But maybe too threatening for many? Maybe we stick to simplistic versions because they are safe?
Dishonored 2 did something in the right direction, the way choices start to color the world around you.
Well, we will add some ecology version of thoughts and prayers to it. Some veneer of Never Again
I'd prefer a flood of similar questions than the flood of circle jerk sycophant memes. At least the repetition of the former helps solidify my knowledge of common distros or whatever
Peaking Lights - 936
Your responses alternate between writing as if you are a random person who happened across this and then someone who is part of the project. Kinda disingenuous. If you are marketing your own project, be straight about it. If it is against the policies to do that, well then don't do it
For all the times you responded, couldn't you have just posted the link?
It started to come off as scripted. But who knows. Everyone's cray and imitating cray they've seen on tiktok like AI learning from other AI in a loop to the bottom
How about we shift to talking about portion control and be less all or nothing?