Is this going to be a remake of the Paul Verhoeven movie or a movie faithful to the book? I got the impression it was going to be the latter and it scares me. At this point in the US, such a movie would awfully seem like the kind of militaristic propaganda Trump would love for his expansionist Putinesque fantasies.
This animal needs to go.
I've been here since the API exodus. I still go on reddit sometimes but found myself frequenting Lemmy a lot more. It's just better and the slow growing is quite noticeable. Gone were the days where you were always checking for new posts.
Welcome friend! I've been keeping your seat warm * mini-fart *
It only needs to have some of its territory in Europe. It would be funny giving them a square meter enclave in the middle of nowhere.
That's the safest take he could have on the situation.
That's what he said, america...
I hear you. You are in a difficult position, yes. You prefer to live comfortably in a dictatorship rather than risking your future. It doesn't make you a bad person. Most of us are afraid and I'm not arrogant enough to affirm without any doubt that I'd do differently. But you must realize the fact that you make that choice allows you to be part of the wrong side. If (or when) the US invades Canada, your work will make it possible. Your taxes will finance it. Your work may even directly contribute to the logistics of an invasion. And, as unfair as it may be, it does make you the enemy. After you digested that fact you will probably realize how utterly insulting it is for you to just apologize.
Unlike you (or maybe even me) there were thousands, even millions of people who were put in that same position and made the other choice. In my own country we fought against a dictatorship. My own grandfather was in jail for being part of the opposition. These people had everything to lose. They were fired, arrested, tortured and even killed. They had jobs, family and dreams and risked it all for what is right. But they were exceptional men. Most of us are just normal and we don't have it in us to fight so we become a clog in the machine. But, please, at least have the decency to not apologize and thinking it somewhat absolves you of being part of it.
Dude, this guy is calling Trudeau "governor" and blatantly rejecting Canada's independence. He's openly declaring that he WILL take European territory. He's openly taking the side of a dictator and ripping of your own constitution and international law not to mention calling for a genocide. He WILL start WW3 with Putin holding his leash and you WILL fight for him!
And here you are acting like he just raised your taxes or took an opposing political choice. Protesting? You should be burning the house down. But, have other priorities. I understand that. But by doing nothing you are taking his side. You are making a choice even if you don't like that choice. But that choice makes you our enemy.
Remember, back in the 30s and 40s many Germans talked just like you. Many had nothing against Jews and Poles. But ALL of them contributed to the genocide one way or another. But they, at least, had the shame to not apologize like they had just spilled a glass of milk.
Are you doing something about it? Are you outside protesting?
If not, fuck your apologies. If you're not doing something to stop this then you are a part of this and you are my enemy. Your so-called President pulled the biggest and most infamous betrayal in modern history. Your country has pulled a 180 and stabbed their allies in the back and soon they WILL attack us militarily.
I repeat, if you're not doing something to stop this then you are a part of this. At this point, apologies are insulting. Pick your side.
Inb4 Trump starts issuing executive orders with "constitutional amendments".