
joined 8 months ago
[–] 1 points 2 days ago

Manchester UK 😅

[–] 2 points 3 days ago (2 children)

I hadn't heard of the Schwartzmans either, I really enjoy their "Web 1.0 vibes". Very, well... solarpunk!

The author of the review, Malcolm Harris, also wrote Palo Alto: A History of California, Capitalism, and the World. I'm currently working my way through it - Malcolm is a lucid writer with an incredible breadth of knowledge. It should be required reading for all my fellow tech workers, at least!

[–] 5 points 3 days ago

I agree with your assessment, but I'm more pessimistic about LLMs as a technology. The Luddites tell us that machines are not value-neutral - we should ask who the LLMs serve.

The core function of an LLM is to enclose public commons (aggregate, open-access human knowledge) in a centrally-controlled black box. It's not a coincidence that corporations are trying to replace search with LLM summaries - the point is for the model to be an intermediary between the user and the information they need.

Vibecoding embraces this intermediation - to the vibecoder, an understanding of the technology they're building is simply a cost that must be surmounted, and if they can avoid paying it, so much the better. This is misguided. Knowledge is power, and we cede that power at our peril. Solarpunk is punk, and punk is DIY, and DIY means taking back ownership of spaces and technologies.

I won't say that it's inherently wrong to cede that ownership - tactically. Perhaps the OP is building essential tools that their communities can't access otherwise. But short term fixes a solarpunk future do not make.


Although I don't know that tailscale is necessarily a good example of permacomputing, this article touches on some interesting ideas about the nature of tech centralisation.

[–] 49 points 8 months ago (1 children)

SUVs are a fucking climate disaster, electric or no. Good on these activists.