
joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 10 hours ago (2 children)

Why is this news today? Repayments started back in october, six months ago

[–] 14 points 10 hours ago (2 children)

Then the box offices shouldn't have played so fast and loose with investor cash over the past 5 years manipulating its stock price. I used to love going to the movies, not so much anymore, too expensive, dirty and the food options have gotten worse. If I wanted cheap carnival food, ill just go and have a corn dog there next to a waste barrel full of vomit instead of sticky floors and weird smelling chairs in a dark dirty theater.

[–] 4 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Im starting to feel like this conversation is going to enter eugenics territory.

[–] 21 points 3 days ago (3 children)

The 1919 flu outbreak was just as bad, if not worse. There were naysayers and detractors doing the same thing then. Spouting at the mouth about things they dont really know. It could have been the worlds deadliest disease and there would still be someone doing the same dumbass things. There is a reason there is a status quo where most people find comfort and unless they are forced usually people do not change.

[–] 46 points 3 days ago

Rise of a dual state? Ive been alive a fairly long time, there has always been a dual/tri law system. We have always known that there is a group of people that the law does not work on. We certainly have our own idioms and cultural awareness of that fact. There were some riots a couple years ago about how fucked the justice/legal system is and now there is talk about pardoning Chauvin.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago

You should go hunt a bunch too! Have a bbq party and invite a bunch of poeple to get them with the idea there are delicious 400 pound hogs running wild in your backyard causing massive crop damage. Your granpa would love that

[–] 7 points 3 days ago (3 children)

Meh, no, unless you trap them. Youve got to feed them a better diet than what they get in the wild. Also, this opinion resides heavily on the fact that industrially grown, bred and genetically manipulated pigs are damn delicious.

[–] 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

When and where I went to school it was basically self-policing. The bully and urge to conformity was so blatant and oppressive that anyone that didnt fit the mold outwardly were ostracized anyway. This is just codifying that behavior into law. Its gross and unnecessary to make laws based on lies and manipulation because every fear-inducing news headline is blasted via the loudest megaphone humanity has ever created.

[–] 10 points 1 week ago

This is why I like public schools, they really dont have a lot of choice when admitting students. Kids are little over-creative sociopathic people with some hints of empathy, that can and will cause trouble just because they are bored. Without a public school systems, where we are going, the private school systems will be way pickier and choosier with whom they allow in. Any record of disturbance will probably get a student banned and theyll have to go to another school out of state or further to get an education befitting them.

[–] 15 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

Homey, they about to defund and empty the DoE, every single person in need of an IEP are about to be screwed. The students wont be illegal, they just wont be allowed in the new private school system for espousing anti-social behaviors.

Edit: I do not adhere or condone destroying the public school system in any way. The fact that the US has been defunding and legislatively attacking public schools since the 60s is deplorable behavior

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Second this! At this point your cats litter box has a cryptominer malware installed and it is pushing that SoC to its very limit.

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago

Also: who the hell am I supposed to take to court after getting maimed by one of these? Technically the operator isnt at fault if the autonomous system chooses to hit me instead of something else. Im certain the insurance companies have already found a weaselly loophole to avoid contingency in this case. I feel like we are gonna have to get back into the legislative idea of making manufacturers responsible for their product failures.

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