Y'all, I still haven't responded to a wedding invitation from more than a year ago. I said "no" after careful thought about travel expenses, but I wanted so much to follow up with a thoughtful response and just. Didn't. Even though I think about it at least monthly. Last thought about it was, "well, maybe the 2nd year anniversary of the invitation is the right time to respond." Fucking awful.
Why do you wear them then? I would feel like my toes are all smooshed?
Flax seed powder? Add hot water. Makes a nice eggy nutty mush.
Quarter-past the hour, and quarter-till, are still common. Though perhaps less common as we move towards digital clocks.
Y'all I'm still loving my Pixel 3A, but I factory reset it years ago and refuse all security updates (because most things work better as is). I know this is a little scary on the security front, but "hell no" to all their shitty updates, Gemini included.
Any idea what I can root to? I'd love to have a secure OS but I have no idea where to start.
Speaking of NC... Jeff Jackson needs more attention.
This is what we need to be talking about as a country right now. How do we open up the political binary to include viable third parties? Does that require proportional representation? Does that require a parliamentary system?
I know in NC getting a third party on the ballot requires signatures and a portion of the vote in the previous election. Those bars are too high and risky. What is another path?
Maybe announcing a new party is premature, but at least talking about steps to realistically forming one would be huge. We need a revolutionary overhaul of our 2-party political system, and I posit that most Americans, those that voted and those who didn't, would agree that 2 bad options is not a real choice.
The binary creates the illusion of choice.
If only you could have heard the message I left Chuck Schumer earlier today. Hell, I wish I could listen to it again. It was inspired.
I'm a middle school teacher and my partner builds houses. What country in Europe will take us? It's a nice thought, but no one will accept us.
I or another person go once a week. I wish I went every few days, but I love about 20 min away and it's not my favorite place in the world. For some reason I always make a list even though I buy basically the same things. My partner never uses a list when he goes.
Red peppers, tomatillos, fibrous cereal, milk and soy milk, yogurt/cottage cheese, tortilla chips, a bag of grapefruit when in season, wasa crackers, hummus, eggs / bread / tortillas when low, and whatever I'm making for lunch for the week. Sometimes salad stuff.
Yes if it's opposite day