The kitty terminal graphics protocol is implemented by kitty, WezTerm, Konsole, and others I believe.
Unfortunately, this will also make aviation safety analysis more difficult for us.
I use this on my Galaxy Tab and S23U all the time. It's really handy to be able to draw a diagram or take down a quick name or number.
My family and friends primarily use Messenger, and we like the chat themes and custom like buttons and gifs and nicknames and other silly features. People are allowed to like different things.
The article and tweet say the watch will likely use the W940 and that the GW6 used the W930. Why does the Lemmy post say the opposite of the article?
What about something like "roll for loot" or "loot table", or even "RPG toolbox"?
Based on the data, people are still buying Samsung these days. Samsung consistently is in the top 3 by sales every quarter, and #1 in global smartphone market share goes back and forth between Apple and Samsung.
For what it's worth I find the text prediction is really accurate for me (and it capitalizes I without issues).
I've got a few smart plugs, TVs, and a bunch of Hue bulbs. It's surprisingly easy to get to more than 20 devices.
I work in AI, and I think AI is overrated.
It's not even enabled for Google Workspace accounts, but it's still forced upon you even though you can't use it.