are there custom ROMs for TVs like there are for Android phones?
Published January 8, 2024
not exactly news
but still worth researching what the consequences of this were
Add the "Activate Linux" watermark as well.
The one from
completely black
I don't completely understand.
Why does normal shortcut open website without extensions? Does it open in private tab? And you have extensions disabled in private tabs?
Remind me in about a week to go check if someone has already made a software that can generate these "dont dead open inside" sentences which make sense in both ways.
Was it Yahtzee? Sounds like something he would come up with.
Pregnancy test was all right, but sex toy is too far?
Still better than that Swarovsky Antivitus
Wait, I was told that Core Decay development was halted, that the game was cancelled.
Pokemon MMO?
sounds like people should go play before it gets C&D'd.