
joined 2 years ago

My favorite is the crane which is holding up a plane. The UFO on the maple leaf. The 2/3 generated Maple Leaf. The silver truck with no muffler yet still has smoke. The tanker which turns into a row boat, and the jet engine with windows.

This is the website. But I would advise against going to it as it's more than likely AI generated slop.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

With endless replay. Rollercoaster Tycoon 1&2. Shout out to Open RCT (sim city 3000 is a close second)

Console favourite- The Legend of Zelda Links Awakening

Sound track - Chrono Trigger

That long play (where you forget what you were doing if you put the game down) - Metroid Fusion/Prime

Pokemon - Emerald or Soul Silver depending on my mood.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago (2 children)

I made a video a while ago going over the DS line if you want to watch my opinion:

If you want to go into the nitty gritty 3DBrew has a wiki for it:

However to directly answer your question. 3DS, 2DS and 3DS XL do have minor differences between the versions, at their core are the same machines with an ARM 9 Processor.

3DS was the original release, and while it's hardware hasn't aged well. The system sold well enough.

2DS was a budget friendly option, going as low as $99 USD with game bundles. The system only had a single display pretending to be a dual screen.

3DS XL was for those who wanted a bigger screen. Bigger didn't mean more pixels. Just physically larger.

The New Nintendo 3DS line N3DS, N3DSXL, and N2DSXL were the ones with hardware upgrades and are worth a pretty penny. If you were looking to emulate more than what Nintendo offered this is the one to get.

However if you want more details I'd watch some videos going over them. It's hard to understand their differences without seeing it.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago (4 children)

Then you’ll definitely want an DS or DS Lite and the R4 since you can backup your cart and make your own ROM with it.

The GBxCart is also another good value backup tool.

3DS and DS games are best backed up on a modded 3DS

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago (7 children)

Since doing things legit is off the table. All you need is a modded 3DS.

With a GBA injector you can play emerald and leaf green/fire red on your 3DS.

With an R4 you can play the DS games, but the Twilight menu++ you can play the DS games on system, and with cia installers you can get the 3DS games too.

If you want to keep things….. authentic. A DSLite plus 3DS is all you need since Everdrive for gba and R4 for DS works. Plus you can transition early and keep playing the same saves on 3ds.

Only considerate is if you need the IR from Heart Gold or Black 1 or 2. Twilight Menu I think allows you to use non Pokemon games with IR as a substitute… can’t remember what game. But I think it works.


The Model is on Thingiverse:

and Printables:

The original bracket didn't have the clearance I needed for my MicroSD Card extender so I modeled a new one based on the 3D Printed part I got with my FlippyDrive.

Currently remaking the GameCube IO Panel as well. Hoping when I am done I can add a clean spot for the Micro SD Card.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

If you live in Southern Ontario. Another Canadian Brand is Reid’s Dairy.


TL:DR HST is dropping from 15% to 14% in Nova Scotia

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Thank you, if you do want to see my models, they are on Printables here:

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Normally I would, but the models is partially corrupt, it doesn’t print right, and it only works with larger Garmin. So I am not uploading it

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

My story is a simple one.

I turned on my computer I logged in, did some work, played some games then I turned it off.

No one tried to murder me (force updates), or put me in a potato (notification ads), or feed me to birds (change my defaults). I had a pretty good life.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Depends the part, depends on the quality.

3D printing is great for small scale manufacturing and is production ready. But the QC needs to be top notch. Plus not everyone has or can use a 3d printer.

That said, if you sell 3d prints it needs to be disclosed, and you need to offer a decent warranty.

I make 3d printed e-reader cases. I designed it to be repairable and these parts have a very long warranty for the 3d printed parts since I know they won’t be as durable as injection molded.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Saints row the third

& thank you

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Add Eureka Technologies in lower Sackville NS.

Good price good variety when I was last in NS.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Amazon it’s a right angle to Garmin connector. In hindsight I probably could’ve got the charging puck instead

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Was a fun weekend project.


The article is beyond wordy and hard to decipher but here my TL:DR. And please correct me if I miss understood something.

Currently Fusion 360 projects are stored in the cloud with "single storage". The default save location in Fusion 360.

Autodesk is moving to "Fusion Hub" since they boast it's better at collaboration and file management.

If you receive the email notifying you of Fusion Hub. You have approximately 30 days" to upgrade to Fusion Hub. Auto desk will allow you to "skip the process once", but will force you to upgrade after 24 hours.

Once you start the process of upgrading the "Single Storage" will be remove immediately or available for 30 days for collaborative files. So if you are collaborating with others, ensure to tell them or they will loose access to the project.

Shared links to existing projects will be broken after the upgrade.

My favorite FAQ:

What if I don’t want to upgrade my data to Fusion Hub?

Since we are supporting only one location to store data, you will be required to upgrade to Fusion Hub.


If you live in the UK and haven't signed the link for it is here:


Especially since one of the best features is basically unmentioned. Turn on your steam deck and before you sign in for the first time, you can boot straight to the desktop. Just wish there was a toggle in Plasma to boot to desktop by default.

For all intents and purposes, you don’t need to log into steam to play games on the steam deck which is honestly shocking where most new hardware basically requires you to agree to sign in to begin using your device.

Looking at you Windows 11


Just saw this while watching a random video on my feed. Don't know when it was added, but it's so so dumb.


Love me the original games, just nice to have a stable way to play them. Added bonus both games works well on Linux via Proton. Available on both Origin, and Steam.


TL:DR Went back to Windows, crawled back to Linux begging it for forgiveness.

So for context. This year, I made my transition on my main rig from Windows 10 to Linux. At the time I had a Ryzen 5 1600 with a Gigabyte motherboard. I got a new boot SSD for it, and the transition was smooth.

From time to time I swapped between Windows and Linux for some use cases, finishing projects started in Windows only software, and the like. But by the spring I switched over to Linux full time.

Now how I swapped wasn't dual booting with GRUB, but instead booting off of the two different SSD's. Where Linux boot drive can see my Windows 10 boot drive. And Windows can't see my Linux one. Can't corrupt anything if you can't access it.

By the end of my transition I had saved up enough money and I was able to upgrade my hardware. I moved to an Intel i3 12100F for it's single core performance (huzzah FreeCAD and it's single core dependence).

Now at some point during this process I lost access to boot from my Windows 10 boot drive. It eventually turned out to be a Motherboard configuration. But at the time I didn't know and honestly didn't care. Linux Mint + Windows 10 VM (for iOS backups) handled everything I needed to do with my machine and more. And so I kept using it... until today.

Today I updated my Motherboard, x-mas sales means potential deals on 13th and 14th gen Intel. And a Motherboard BIOS update to stop it from frying a potential new chip was a good idea in my head.

That was until the flash was done, and my machine wouldn't boot. Turned out to be Secure Boot re-enabling itself, which I disabled. But while I was messing around I accidentally fixed my Windows 10 boot fixed. So I booted it to see if it worked.

When I turned it on... it was fine and worked well. But then an MSI Utility popped up for no reason (didn't even prompt it thanks windows update). Then I decided to clean shop, and started uninstalling stuff that wasn't necessary for my Windows boot drive. Since there's no point in having steam if Linux works. And I can save space.

As I am doing this I noticed that my copy of Windows 10 de-activated itself since my hardware changed. No problem I said, let me get my old Key and try again... nope. Didn't work.

I tried the troubleshooter utility... again no, and required a microsoft account to use.

Ugh, fine. Sign in with and it takes over my PC... and still won't activate my Windows.

At this point I say screw it. Returned my account to a local one, and stopped since my Windows 10 machine doesn't need activation. It just needs to play games. But even then the Xbox app won't let me log in since it was "offline" despite connecting and downloading from the internet.

I was off of Windows for 7 months (according to the newest installed app), and I wanted to go back to Linux. It's not that Windows is a bad OS, but that it's so bloated with tamper protection and account authentications that it makes using it a chore.

An OS is suppose to just be a tool. The bridge between the Hardware and Software so that the user can focus and do what they want to do on their machine. And Linux (for those who understand computers) is beyond good enough to replace Windows. It just sucks that many pieces of software is locked down to the platform. SteamOS can't come out soon enough to force these companies to move away from Microsoft.

For me I'll testing to see if there is any real benefits of using Windows on my machine (games only). If there isn't I'll probably wipe the drive and use it as my game cache.


So this week I got myself a Framework 13. I am so far liking it, especially with Linux Mint. But I feel the push for high resolutions is pushing the poor iGPU a bit too hard in games.

But since I got the 2880x1920 display, it can be downscaled to 1440x960 without too much loss of quality. However the closest resolution I can find to it is 1440x900, which breaks my desktop icons, and other applications which wants to use the full screen.

I've tried xrandr and cvt as described in this ask ubuntu post but all I got out of it was a black screen.

Am I just stuck with the default or am I just missing something?

EDIT: Attempt #1: Tried Gamescope, wasn't apart of the included packages on Mint. Tried to build, failed, tried to cleanup, borked my install, had to restore from previous day's backup. Not doing that again.

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