Wild boar problem? Baby, humans are the problem.
I'm going to give you the secret to switching. Go all AMD for your build, and leave everything you know about Windows software and how it works at the door. Learn to use Linux. Expecting it and Linux software to work like Windows is the pitfall.
Only if they go to Jupiter.
I was gearing up to go off on your comment, but meh. You're just wrong and there's no need to explain beyond that.
Linux has great DAWs, bridges for vsts, alternatives for Adobe software and tons of games. The issue is your unwillingness to try something new, which is fine, but that's not a knock to Linux.
What apps?
Windows never has issues, does it?
Thank you!
You mean Nvidia hardware. Nvidia purposefully sucks overall on Linux. Don't reply with "mine works great" because you're lying or haven't had an issue yet. Fuck Nvidia.
Large language model. It's what all these AI really are.
When you have a huge swath of boys with no real support systems they become prey for these grifters promising X,Y and Z. No one cares about boys.