A letter to Hochul stating "I didn't do it, you didn't see me do it, you can't prove it if I did do it, and no way was my deal with Trump a quid pro quo" qualifies as an opportunity to defend himself, as well.
Be my guest. I'd like to see how many of the words in your "explanation" fail to appear in the quoted section of the NYS Constitution.
Seems to me if the author meant a trial, they'd have used the word trial.
I'm sorry, I must be blind. Please point out the word "trial" in that section of the New York State Constitution.
All I see is "... after giving to such officer a copy of the charges against him and an opportunity to be heard in his defense."
I didn't miss a damn thing. The governor has a process available to dismiss him. That /\ is the process. Therefore, removing the mayor would not be extra judicial.
Quit moving the goal posts.
I talked with a friend of mine from the City, who pointed out that Andrew Cuomo's publicly announced his interest in the position, and apparently polled well (moreso than other options on the poll, at least).
Can't say I'm keen on Cuomo running in a special election and winning. New York's seen enough of him and his.
Bull turkey.
1st Amendment: Trump can't order Google what to call any particular location. He can ask, Google can follow along (or not), and we can tell Google to get bent (or not).
Out with the oldspeak. In with the newspeak.
I prefer "Gulf of Trump's an Infantile Imbecile" or "Gulfed only by Trump's Impotence and Ignorance".
My initial attempts at running Linux as a daily threw me off. Had a couple Comp Sci friends in college recommend switching, but they led me to distros with pre-compiled binaries and installation wizards. I'd install, get dumped out at a desktop, then ask "And what do I do now?". I had no idea how the filesystem was organized, etc.
I stumbled across LinuxFromScratch somehow. Took a few months and ran through the installation three times before I felt I had a good handle on what was going on. Then I tried to tackle compiling X.org and all its dependencies, learning exactly why a package manager is useful.
That lead me to Gentoo. I haven't found a problem running it in the last ~20 years that I couldn't solve, so I've stuck with it. Now it's just comfortable. I've slapped other distributions on other boxes (Mint, Kubuntu, etc), and even on laptops for family members, but they don't feel like home.
I've used Gentoo on my main desktop for decades.
Anything else in the house gets Kubuntu on it, 'cause ain't nobody got time for that.
Who's going to be doing the arresting after he's held in contempt?