So true. I bought the collection on steam and spent hours leveling up the forms on KH2 and after the third time the disney rides showed up in KH3 I felt like I wasn't really playing, even compared to the button mashing in 1 and 2.
joined 2 years ago
If you hear about it that much, why not make the script check for .NET before crashing?
This dude has bad memories with his English teacher.
Yeah basically a vr port of xash I think
lol this is my same view when I look at the gallery on my quest 3
Yeah dude that stuff always blew my mind as a kid. Browsing the real sharper image store then was a treat too. I got a skymall hot dog toaster one Christmas and it was amazing.
The dude who sells it
Looks like Gigi was a good companion
Gotta get two copies of Bonestorm