Kids are easy to manipulate in general. But kids raised in this environment are a predators dream come true.
They are told they are sinners from birth and therefore unlovable outside of god's infinite generosity of murdering his own kid. They are told whatever happens to them is for a reason and doesn't need to "make sense" as it makes sense to god. They are taught never to speak out against "gods anointed" and see everyone around them they trust speak of this pastor figure like they are a god.
Predators like these pastors know there is a low chance they will ever talk. Beyond that they know they will be "forgiven" if they are caught a lot of the time. Thinking of that viral clip a couple of years ago of a pastor being given a standing ovation for "bravely coming forward and confessing sexual sin" [r*ping a 14yr old]
The whole thing is a god damn mess and the sooner we are done with it the better.
So zero critique but to me these numbers still seem insurmountably huge. I wonder what makes $10/100 million your cut off points?
I ask because it's hard for me to imagine how one individual can amass $100 million in wealth without theft from those actually producing value. But I’m also aware that somewhere along the way actual lines have to be drawn and don't necessarily have my own metric for where that should be.