Damn, you signed up on pi day? Pretty on brand, I suppose.
more like the triple point of two rabbits
You can't just use the hard r like that!
My friends had a chearth (couch style chair) they kept outside their house in college. It was pretty questionable. TBF it came with the house when they moved in but they did use it so...
I prefer to talk out my ass and then get started and realize that what I promised is way harder than I thought and then have no life while I manic-panic my way to delivering, somehow.
My feet are somewhat average, perhaps a bit bigger than average and my girthiest boots (in my estimation) could hold no more than like 5L combined. Certainly not 9L each.
e: you can link them directly
Mathbf is my boyfriend
TL;DR: Eyes with lighter color irises have better low light performance in at least some circumstances.
Or the orb-pocalypse