
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 hours ago

An important lesson to learn. People in position to do something these days in the face of Nazism are weenies. All the time I'm hearing "this or that judge or officer resigns to give way to Nazis / Doges, instead of planting their feet". Heck while not meaning to offend, it's got to be said, if Eastern Europeans can do civility better than you, my boy, that does say something big.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 hours ago (1 children)

Please at least (or, well, at most) make it 8.1...

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 day ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago

I have some people at a client's still happily using 8.1 (but hey, at least they're not using 7!).

And, to be frank, if they had to stay on Windows I'd prefer they stay on 8.1 anyway. What with 10 requiring the online accounts or adding start menu adds or removing the interfaces of the Control Panel and everything else.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Why would you do that to yourself???

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago (1 children)

But it’s not currently known or understood if he has the legal authority to pull the content because YouTube is profiting from his content. That’s up to a court to decide.

Are you telling me that this, the most obvious question of legality of profit in the entire pipeline of uploading content since around 2013, has not been considered by any court up to this year of Arceus of 2025?

Wow. Now I can begin to really understand the problem.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago (3 children)

Simple fact of the matter is, is that he violated his own license.

My understanding at least is that the CC does not mandate distribution, merely allows it, so I don't see how he could have violated his own license if a third party uploaded the video to youtube in violation of the license.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 5 days ago

Between your bad experiences and the fact that your switch is updated, and most likely would require a modchip, I recommend selling it and getting a Steam Deck instead.

Basically, and I'm p sure someone here can ackshually me if needed, there's three "unlock groups". All modern and even mid-era Switches comprise the first group, which requires a modchip (hardware intervention): it's not quick, not cheap, not safe, not anything. That said once it's installed and working your Switch is jailbroken forever.

Of the remaining ones, group two is can be jailbroken via a hardware injector (a rig that goees in the joycon slot) - that's by far the easiest, safest and cheapest method if you happen to be that lucky but remember, we're talking old Switches here. Like, almost 3DS old.

And the remaining group can still be jailbroken via software only, but the entrypoint is volatile (so if you reboot the console you have to unlock it again) and depends on an internet connection that is risky because if your Switch manages to connect to Nintendon't servers's, you're SOL as it will require upgrading the firmware. The method is called either Caffeine or Pegascape I think. To make it worse the original Pegascape project is dead so unless you host your own local fake DNS to redirect the wifi portal and your own Pegascape server, you'd have to look for someone who is running a third-party Pegascape entrypoint that you are willing to trust.

In comparison, a Steam Deck is basically Linux with a coat of paint, so you can just pkg install retroarch (or whchever other method to install Retroarch) and get access to all the consoles that supports. Forever.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 days ago (5 children)

Which of course includes YouTube.

Which distributes videos commercially.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

Shorter but just as good, there was The Speed of Time.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Suspicious, that's exactly what Trump said would happen.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

You have every right (see what I did there?) to feel that way, but feeling some degree of comfort and karma that bad people also get bad things happen to them instead of bad things just being limited to the victims of capitalism, is just a simple sensorial reaction to the reality of the world and not in any way some sort of "anti-left" idea. In fact, wishing the best wishes to the boot that's stomping on you is probably the worst things to do, since it teaches conformity in the structure of the class system. To fight the imbalance of power you have to want to fight, and historically speaking spite is among the best motivators there ever is.

Also lol, good work trying to equate me with those right-wing KKK nutjobs! Yeah! Because there is literally no difference between wishful thinking, and actually doing material damage to someone because of your Trump dogma! Right?

Geez, what tiktok does to media literacy these days...

But you do you. I'll continue to cry a crocodile tear for the guy.

(Yes, the wife deserves a real tear, but that does not mean I can't cry a fake one for free)


Con todas las noticias sobre el cambio climático y ahora los "nuevos términos" (never has been) como el "río atmosférico" y otros misceláneos, para qué estamos con cosas - uno debería sentirse preocupado.

Pero para suerte mía, vivo como 100 km fuera de la zona que pega estos sistemas frontales, igual llueve su harto pero me salvé. Y cuando veo que en los noticieros ahora se pegan con el "río informático" como nueva muletilla, que nos falta agüita, que nos volvimos flojos con la sequía, que el niño no que la niña etc etc, pues yo me acuerdo de esta escena de una película vieja de Pokémon.

(Parece que el próximo finde las voy a ver negras eso sí)

Y eso feddit, ¿cómo están con el agüita?


More or less title.

The idea is, one can already excise the corporation social media somewhat, or limit their reach into your content, if you self-host your social media (or at least if you participate in the Fediverse, say on Mastodon Lemmy etc) and instead link or cross post to corporate ones such as say Twitter or Discord.

But I'm looking for something to self-host that is better geared to do this with small snippets of text that (mostly) stand by themselves. Something that would fit in a original!tweet or even smaller and would not have much use for the "conversation workflow" UI of corporate social media.

The two use cases I'm aiming for are:

  • instead of posting something creative directly on eg.: Reddit or Discord (by which in the latter it would get locked and lost in that blackhole), I just post it in $THINGY and then link it on Reddit / Discord. That way I also retain license.
  • having a "local" archive of my comments on various stuff that I can tag, query or consult on, or even easily share with other people.

At first I thought "maybe what I'm looking is micro-blogging" but on second thought it feels like I'm looking for something even smaller than that? I'm not at all sure, so I thought to ask around here what would you guys self-host for this kind of thing or if it's even a Thing.


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