cross-posted from:
tl;dr: It has been two weeks using the Pi 400 as my personal computer. It's good enough for what I do, but when I need performance y connect it to my old laptop.
So, last year I bought a Raspberry Pi 400 and I did what I always do: absolutely nothing. It was kept inside its box getting covered by dust.
About two weeks ago I decided to clean the mess out of my desk. This desk is very small and I've got my work laptop, my personal laptop, a monitor and a lot of cables and stuff. So I put my personal laptop below the router connected by ethernet and put the Pi 400 on the desk.
It is way slower than my laptop, obviously. So when I need performance I make an ssh tunnel for vnc and pipewire, and got my laptop DE back.
I used fscrypt
for the /home
partition, because I'm too paranoid to go unencrypted and it doesn't support full disk encryption. Also added a USB stick for more local storage, ciphered with the same tool.
I don't play video games any more :sad-pepe: so I don't miss a graphics card in the Pi.
I bought it with the official Raspberry mouse included. But I have no idea where it ended lost.
So now this is my "setup" lol.
A los gringos no les conviene desarmar a la OTAN. Pueden ponerse choros con aranceles y restricciones pero una acción que implique el fin de la OTAN, o la expulsión de los gringos (casi lo mismo, la verdad) no es conveniente, para nada.
Ahora, si crees en la teoría de la conspiración de que trump es una especie de agente pro-ruso. Pues sí: desarmar la OTAN es una excelente forma de pitiarse a gringolandia.