
joined 2 years ago
[–] 14 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago)

Jesus Christ. Was over there from the states last year and Ireland is a lovely country (if yer not a cunt to the locals). Have some friends from there coming this way next month. Hope this doesn't fuck it up.

So exhausted by this oppressive regimes ability to crush every bit of hope and happiness we might try to have.

[–] 11 points 6 days ago

Yes. Especially the systems 2.0 revamp combined with the Phantom Liberty expansion.

I am a pretty big fan boy though and have sunk a few hundred hours in to it since launch. The only place I've really experienced issues is on some PS5 builds and the Series S Xbox. Otherwise, it runs solid on PC across the board (Steam Deck, Gerforce Now, 3080 and 5080 desktop, 4080 laptop, etc...).

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Its a mess honestly. Sanity checking myself, 5a was larger, 6a and 7a were smaller. There was also a 3a and 3a xl. Lol

Seems the only consistency is inconsistency.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

I wouldn't hold out too much hope on that. I started on a pixel 1 then a 3xl (both had power button fingerprint sensors that were awesome) then moved to a 5, 6 and 7 with in screen readers. They're all crap. I gave up using the one on my 7 almost entirely.

Google can't seem to get that part figured out. It is exacerbated on custom ROM's in my experience as well (Graphene mainly on the 7).

Currently using a flip6 with power button reader and it was a revelation going back to a working fingerprint reader.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Nope. The "a" series Pixels are generally a mid-cycle refresh targeted at the budget. Similar to the iPhone Mini or 16e on Apples side.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

I missed out on the 1st gen pebble but had a buddy who loved his. Y'all may be talking me in to checking this new one out.

And agreed on the pine faces. I've been of half a mind to learn how to make them so I could have more variety.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I think we've been pressure cooked as a country (speaking as an American as that's my only real, long term reference) and maybe a society thanks to social media to amplify thay hate and outrage.

If its any small consolation, I think the communities around here are hurt and frustrated and learning how to express thay and navigate it in a space where immediate censorship isn't as likely too occur.

Its a lot like the way we used to stretch our legs and push boundaries in the early Internet days. It wasn't easy to get mod banned on most irc servers, but it did happen. In between those moments though, you could get away with saying some vile stuff.

Don't take it to heart, take it as a vent in a place where we are somewhat protected from the hate speech the other side slings.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (4 children)

In my real life I'm much more sympathetic. Even to the point of empathy exhaustion. But when it's strangers online exponentially far away from me on the Dunbar scale, I laugh, ridicule and taunt.

This is my relief. Same way I'll text a buddy and shit on him when his team is getting crushed in a game.

Empathy and class warfare are locked in a timeless battle anymore, but I think there's still room to point at fucking idiots and enjoy their suffering. After all, they'd do the same for us.

[–] 24 points 1 week ago (5 children)

For anyone looking for a similar device in the interim (long battery, open source) the PineTime is a great device.

[–] 14 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Heck yeah. Thanks friend!

[–] 40 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Consider me subscribed in advance.

[–] 95 points 1 week ago (8 children)

I feel like we need a c/letsnotmakethispolitical to track these


Hi all,

It's been a long... years at work and my brain is fried currently with no bandwidth to properly determine how to migrate a BTFRS array from unraid over to proxmox. I can see the array in proxmox and am able to mount it but now I cannot for the life of me figure out how to

  1. verify that the data is intact
  2. assign it to a storage pool for use in vm's
  3. view it within proxmox

I haven't touched proxmox in years after settling on unraid a while back, but am looking to move back to a non-unraid config.

Anyone here have experience with btfrs and proxmox? Any good links to a tutorial or video?



Anybody got a clean link for this build?


cross-posted from:

Hey all,

I've been using requestarr via Discord for the past year or so to have a remote user request option for my *arr stack.

Looking to move away from Discord completely and have been having trouble finding an alternate that would run on a more FOSS or secure platform. I run discovarr my local users but I'm hesitant to post that up as a web app for external access.

Does anybody around here know of a program or app or container even that would provide similar or replacement functionality via Matrix or signal or something of the like?



Hey all,

I've been using requestarr via Discord for the past year or so to have a remote user request option for my *arr stack.

Looking to move away from Discord completely and have been having trouble finding an alternate that would run on a more FOSS or secure platform. I run discovarr my local users but I'm hesitant to post that up as a web app for external access.

Does anybody around here know of a program or app or container even that would provide similar or replacement functionality via Matrix or signal or something of the like?



Another article that highlighs inherent flaws in the American legal system. How can this potentially be an actual lawsuit? How can "journalists" even entertain reporting on this?

Honestly I'm just posting to laugh at my fellow lemmings responses and watch see how the plaintiff is roasted for not gitting gud.

But, there is a real conversation here around continued ignorance of game development and the value of difficult games as a value proposition. Afterall, the person attempting to sue from did choose to purchase the games willingly knowing they're not for scrub casuals like themselves.

What do you all think, is difficulty gating content a real issue? Should dev's have some kind of legal requirement to appease players that can spec a build properly? Is it Thursday and I'm just looking for some easy laughs at a morons expense?


So I decided to jump into some call of duty whatever the most current one is now that it's free on game pass.

The first two matches I was spawned into were on shipment. A map that I remember being absolute trash back in the day but it still is. The third match it went to put me in dropped me into that same map as well so I quit before it finished loading. Following this it dumped me into a match in progress where my team was behind by 25 points and there was 12 kills left before it was over.

My question is, why do players seem to vote for this map over any other option most of the time? What is the fun or enjoyment that I am missing out on this box of spam? It's literally nothing but spawn killing and spawn dying.

If you are a person that enjoys these, can you legitimately explain why? I'm not trying to make a troll complaint or anything. Just genuinely interested.

Is this what the modern call of duty experience is like?

LAN bypass on Linux (
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by to c/

Hi all,

Is there a conf change I can make to bypass local address filtering with ProtonVPN on Linux? When I attempt to access NFS and SMB shares on LAN they fail to connect with Proton active.


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