So I decided to jump into some call of duty whatever the most current one is now that it's free on game pass.
The first two matches I was spawned into were on shipment. A map that I remember being absolute trash back in the day but it still is. The third match it went to put me in dropped me into that same map as well so I quit before it finished loading. Following this it dumped me into a match in progress where my team was behind by 25 points and there was 12 kills left before it was over.
My question is, why do players seem to vote for this map over any other option most of the time? What is the fun or enjoyment that I am missing out on this box of spam? It's literally nothing but spawn killing and spawn dying.
If you are a person that enjoys these, can you legitimately explain why? I'm not trying to make a troll complaint or anything. Just genuinely interested.
Is this what the modern call of duty experience is like?
Jesus Christ. Was over there from the states last year and Ireland is a lovely country (if yer not a cunt to the locals). Have some friends from there coming this way next month. Hope this doesn't fuck it up.
So exhausted by this oppressive regimes ability to crush every bit of hope and happiness we might try to have.