Yup! That’s what I use for all restarts and shutdowns
joined 2 months ago
Yes finally! That they couldn’t just ban the fee entirely is ridiculous.
It disturbs me that there are actually humans at these banks that look at the different revenue line items and happily report how much they made from customers making simple mistakes that could be prevented with software IF statements.
Yeah I agree it’s been an extreme reaction. Perfect is the enemy of good. Maybe most proton users will be willing to seek out even lesser known alternatives and even self host. But if you’re going to talk to a casual user about getting off of Gmail and then you say “Oh but not Proton” then they’re just going to stick with Gmail.
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Just a nitpick (I’m still against trickle down), but how do we know those sectors boomed from the stimulus, vs from people using those services more because they were quarantined? Video conference platforms also took off—that wasn’t from gen pop citizens spending their stimulus.