Yes, it’s one thing to offer a lifetime subscription early on to get a large cash infusion and reward early adopters, but it’s a big red flag if they don’t get rid of the lifetime subscription eventually. What will happen is one by one, the people that use the service the most will switch to lifetime and your cash flow will dwindle. Eventually the only people left on the month to month are the casual users who don’t use it very often and will leave as soon as a price increase happens.
What do you mean unproven social media claims? the $4 billion in cash is in their quarterly earnings:
Pretty easy to verify yourself.
They are still part of and support that industry. It's part of how they can overproduce cheap crap. If it doesnt sell at the higher price outlets, throw it over the next level of discount store until it does. They make you feel like you are getting a good deal, but the clothing companies still make profit and still get encouraged to pump out the cheapest garbage possible.
You shouldn't be comparing with DIMMs, those are a dead end at this point. CAMMs are replacing DIMMs and what future systems will use.
Intel likely designed Lunar lake before the LPCAMM2 standard was finalized and why it went on package. Now that LPCAMMs are a thing, it makes more sense to use those as they provide the same speed benefits while still allowing user replaceable RAM.
The big thing for me with plex is user management. I am absolutely knowledgeable enough to set up jellyfin, but i dont want to deal with user management. Plex makes it easy, i tell them to make their own account and i just share my library. i dont have to reset passwords, they can do that themselves. However, it’s getting to the point where i will probably just switch to jellyfin and deal with it because of how bad plex is getting.