Schadenfreude for the wicked is something we all indulge in, but prolonging pain rather than soothing it breeds hatred. Some kind of fuel for the onlookers, but what happens when you unchain the dog you've been beating? Someone's going to win. Perhaps your team because the ire is high. But sacrifices have to be made. Your kin may die. Is that an acceptable result? That's up to you to decide.
Perhaps in private, but not if you remind them.
Consider this. Your asshole detestable uncle loses his house. On the one hand you can text him and say you deserve what you get you piece of shit.
Or invite him over to watch a baseball game. Avoid politics. Quietly remind him not everyone is a piece of shit.
Which do you think will more likely change his mind? Or which one will he double down on, write it off as an accident, and go deeper down the hole. I took one for the team.
No you can't change the internet's mind, but how do people react to when ridiculed? How do you? I guess it all depends on what the end game is
I wonder sometimes if it is self defeating to brow beat, say "I told you so", or rub someone's face in it. Enjoyable as it may be.
The irony in how badly you are missing the dot point
I've lived Connecticut, New Jesey, Texas, Ohio, Virginia, and Tennessee. There is nothing I can call myself other than American.
Obama once said "No party or political philosophy has a monopoly on patriotism." I'll be one of the patriots fighting to bring us back from the brink. American AF 🤘
Let him do it. We can write a new one
If I could heard that pronounced I would totally start call it that too
Several questions:
- How are they getting our data?
- What is the nature of the data?
- Can we do anything in about:config?
Shut up.
Fun fact. The United States is and always will be 1st world by definition. The 'Three Worlds ' model comes down to the cold war where a country is aligned with the United States, the Soviet Union, or neutral. Switzerland is a 3rd world country. What people generally call the third world is better describe as 'global south', and they either ignore 1st and 2nd world completely or neglect the 2nd world completely and call themselves the 1st world. With regard to the United States I think you mean it's becoming the biggest fucking piece of shit country, or you might mean it is no longer aligned with itself, plans to leave NATO, is not aligned with the soviet union, and is then by definition the largest 3rd world country.