The homeless have created their own problem through their flaw in moral character. They will be saved if they return to the fold and accept our god into their lives. Otherwise the punishment from the police will force them off the path to eternal damnation. We do it for their own good.
joined 2 years ago
There's a saying some of our american comrads have: come and take it
Be the change you want to see in the world. Don't let your dreams be memes
You could just call it New Australia anyway. Double up and change your maps. Apparently nothing stops you
Whoever dismantles the pre-existing structure will be the one who will have the chance to rebuild it. This is the entire reason they are doing it. Great if you share their vision. Not so much if you don't.
Hyprland is transphobic
Even a god king bleeds
Why do people use vscode over codium? (Minus the two people who actually know the answer)
I don't get the 1st joke
Medicate is very... out of one's control
Probably for the better. It's a genuine sentiment in the united states. Homelessness isn't caused by circumstance. It's caused by sin. You deserve to be punished or will be cleased of your sin.
The other predominent philosophy is more capitalistic. Ignore the person entiry. I got mine, you get yours.