Got some "elegant evil" vibes going on here.
Can you imagine what it would be like if all the effort going towards spam mitigation instead went towards fixing (or replacing) email's fundamental flaws?
Wasn't it one of Musk's stated reasons for buying twitter to prevent exactly this?
Kinda surprised how long it took me to see the alien, almost a jump-scare.
If we had a seperate word to mean an unfilled/hollow circle I would jave used it, but alas... oh, wait a minute... a ring... dang it! Still not sure how I feel about the implication of friend-wedges, though.
Maybe for an ideal translation, but I think even real-time transliteration would be awesome... and might even start blending grammar patterns across borders.
It's really stupid, so prepare yourself for disappointment... Consider a circle, and then identify it's fringe. Any point on the circle is on it's fringe. Same thing holds if all your friends joined hand-in-hand to make a circle. Every one of them is a fringe element of the circle, because that's what a circle is.
I noticed they aggresively build out todo comments, even if it's not possible to do in place they take a wild stab at it.
Clear sign of a confusing interface.
That would require cooperation with the servers/dns involved. Though, it would be easy to disprove if people are getting identical image URLs.... we should test that!
Tower of Himmel
Maybe run a bandwidth speed test, and enable/set qos to 95% of that value... I found that's an easy way to kill the buffer bloat (way better latency).