Yeah ok I can see that, thanks
joined 1 month ago
Hoo boy do I envy you. So, upon opening up its trade ports to the Dutch, Japan not only ushered in a cultural revolution, but a culinary one. Many new styles of foods and flavors were introduced. Some people didn’t like this though. They thought they should just stick to native fruits and vegetables, not these foreign bananas (ばな literally “wood foot food”) the Dutch typically brought with them. So, preparing for their own future imperialist ambitions, Japan invented coded language using food to refer to their future rivals. When the Americans caught yellow fever during WW2, they imported many of these same racist jokes. They still carry on this tradition today - you can find out more at the historical resource
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You’re not wrong in general, I should clarify. This family is of the affluent, fence-sitting variety conservative. They couldn’t be assed to do anything because it hadn’t hit them yet. This did. This is someone who will genuinely be turned imo.
Quick edit here, I just got done talking with them. They told me what finally pushed them over was talking to a friend of theirs whose kid has autism. Their kid hadn’t been able to sleep at night with all this shit going on. Apparently that really got to them. So - my takeaway here is, keep the dialogue open. If you have a story to tell, keep sharing it. You never know who it will reach.