Yeah but that dude made a career killing Nazis and mic dropping his presidency with warnings about the Military Industrial Complex. That Republican Party died with Reagan.
Extremely sad news, this is what an authoritarian state looks like for anyone who still didn’t believe it. Wish them all the best wherever they land.
What to do? I don’t know, what the rest of us are doing, figuring it out. They’re the smart ones, right? Yep, Einstein sure did make the right choice. Let’s think this through then. Who are the people actively being persecuted like Einstein? It’s not a hard guess: Palestinians, their supporters, anyone from the global south, or anyone with brown skin. Don’t worry, they’re actively deporting these people. They’re not trying to run, they’re just keeping their heads down trying to survive. Because your country doesn’t want any of us unskilled workers either. The vast, vast majority of people trying to get out are not going to be listed above. And if they are? I don’t blame them, get out. But to compare Einstein to people with degrees leaving because they’re afraid like the rest of us is absurd to the point of being offensive.
Makes sense! Thank you for looking
Bailout, or government ownership run by DOGE? I hear they have some servers available - well, soon.
Möbius Dick
Wow. Here is a free guide from the EFF, though it’s from 2017 so I don’t know how useful it still is.
Admirable and totally understandable. I feel like FanDuel or whatever would be knocking at the door every day
Legally - if the content is legal to share in the jurisdiction it’s being streamed
Disney absolutely butchered the art of intros for its Star Wars shows by simply…not having them really. And I think it sucks.