this post was submitted on 08 Mar 2025
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[–] [email protected] 20 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

No those are government and media lies to justify the violence. Germany supplies 30% of the weapons for the genocide in Palestine. They are next to the US the most repressive country.

German police have beaten up protesters holding Palestinian flags without any cause. Many examples have been posted in this community. Example from 4 months ago (Direct link to the video:

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I can show you dozens of videos of climate protesters being beaten up by the police and/or other people. Just cut out a few seconds and it fits your narrative... What does this tell us? That the police doen't belive in climate change? No. It tells you that there is a police problem like in pretty much any other country.

BTW: Is there an oppression ranking for Palestinians or are there accusations that Germany is rank 2 just a guess?

[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

You are not missing context and there is no excuse to be made for that pig kicking a woman who has already been violently apprehended.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Holy cow. Have I written that it's OK to hurt someone? No.

I just think, it's wrong to act like Germany is some kind of dictatorship that systematically discriminates Palestinians. Furthermore, it's absolutely possible to have a normal protest for people from Gaza or against Netanyahu in our country. But if you and others really want to use that video as proof that there is systematic discrimination, I just don't think, that that's true at all.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (2 children)

I just think, it’s wrong to act like Germany is some kind of dictatorship that systematically discriminates Palestinians.

Are we in the same post right now? Click the video above again.

After that watch the German foreign minister say Israel is allowed to kill Palestinian civilians

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I mean, you see the English translation in that video, if you watched it... It's clearly not what you wrote there... You are obviously overexaggerating. She says "can lose their civilian status" and "because terrorists abuse that", which requires them doing it. And before, she said, that "hiding behind schools leads us into difficult territory".

BTW: The video description does not quote here correctly. If I was you, I'd probably see this as bulletproof evidence that the news channel makes politics against one side...

When Hamas terrorists hide behind people, behind schools… civilian places ((((the word "can" is very unfortunately missing here)))) lose their protected status because terrorists abuse it

If you interpret this aggregation of conjunctives as "Israel is allowed to kill Palestinian civilians", well... Please do us a favor and quote exactly what she says next time, instead of me having to look it up myself...

I think, this does not make sense to continue... I'm sorry that you think that my country collectively hates Palestinians and that it's impossible to protest for or against that kind of stuff and that this is some kind of repressive dictatorship. I already told you what I think about that.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

No you are use using extremist terrorist logic. And I am quite worried that you are so radicalised. You are currently on ISIS levels of extremism, I am not exaggerating.

Let me help you understand how racist you are by swapping the subject and perpetrator:

Every single location attacked by Hamas on oct7 had many IDF soldiers present. Was Hamas justified in killing unarmed Israeli civilians because the civilians were near soldiers?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Can't find that quote in the source you shared.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

You are not missing context

It went through the main media by the way:

Der Auslöser der gewaltsamen Szene fehlt im rund eine Minute langen Videoausschnitt, die Auseinandersetzung ist bereits im vollen Gange. Wie die Polizei am Sonntag mitteilte, griffen Teilnehmer:innen während der Demonstration die Einsatzkräfte wiederholt an.

Bereits kurz nach Beginn der Versammlung mit dem Titel "Internationaler feministischer Kampftag" seien israelfeindliche Sprechchöre angestimmt sowie strafbare und eindeutig polizeifendliche Parolen gerufen worden, teilte die Polizei mit. Die Einsätzkräfte hätten immer wieder tatverdächtige Personen festgenommen, daraufhin sei es zu versuchten Gefangenenbefreiungen und tätlichen Angriffen gekommen. "Die Polizeieinsatzkräfte wurden teilweise mit gezielten Faustschlägen, Tritten und Flaschenwürfen angegriffen und wendeten daraufhin wiederholt körperlichen Zwang an und setzten Reizstoffsprühgeräte gegen die Teilnehmenden ein", hieß es am Sonntag.

Bei einem Vorfall hatten Demonstrationsteilnehmende laut Polizei versucht, die Festnahme zweier Frauen zu verhindern, die mehrfach strafbare Parolen gerufen haben sollen. Die Polizei habe die Frauen daraufhin nach Absprache in eine Feuerwache in der Wiener Straße gebracht. Mehr als 100 Personen hätten versucht, in Richtung der Feuerwache zu gelangen und hätten die Einsatzkräfte "massiv körperlich bedrängt". Die Polizeibeamten hätten daraufhin "Zwangsmaßnahmen in Form von Schieben und Drücken" angewendet "sowie selektiv gezielte Faustschläge, Tritte und Pfefferspray" eingesetzt.

Insgesamt nahm die Polizei bei den Versammlungen am Samstag 12 Männer und 16 Frauen vorübergehend fest. Zudem wurden 33 Strafermittlungsverfahren unter anderem wegen besonders schweren Landfriedensbruchs, Gefangenenbefreiung, tätlichen Angriffs, Widerstands gegen Vollstreckungsbeamte und Verwendens von Kennzeichen verfassungswidriger und terroristischer Organisationen eingeleitet. Sieben Polizeibeamte seien verletzt worden, alle hätten im Dienst bleiben können.

I think, that kind of context is important, don't you? Cutting out stuff to fit a narrative is an instrument of populism.

Still doesn't make the police in the video look good, but something has obviously happened before and that something is not visible in that video. That's what I mean with "context"...

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Yes yes, sure sure. As usual. Pro Palestine protesters were "violent* and there were no false flags or instigations. We have seen this one at many American universities.

The cops were clearly "defending themselves" against all those dangerous women by wildly flailing on their heads.

German mainstream media said so, it would never lie.