1)Do not obey in advance.
2)Defend institutions against capture and collapse.
3)Contest one-party rule. (It defaults to oppression.)
4)Challenge signs and symbols of hate or loyalty.
5)Remember and champion professional ethics.
6)Resist paramilitaries pushing violence into politics.
7)Be ready to say "no" to unlawful orders.
8)Stand out; set an example and others will follow.
9)Be mindful of parroting others words; read widely.
10)Believe in truth, not lies or wishful thinking.
11)Investigate; verify information, follow sources you trust to do the same, and share what you learn.
12)Make eye contact and small talk; be observant, break down barriers, and learn whom to trust.
13)Go outside and take action with others in person.
14)Protect your privacy; don't indulge in distractions.
"In politics, being deceived is no excuse."
Leszek Kotakowski
15)Donate to and participate in good causes.
16)Seek out and learn from peers in other countries.
17)Call out manipulative or divisive language.
18)Keep calm when the crisis arrives; do not give up.
19)Be patriotic by advancing ideals, not grievances.
20)Be as courageous as you can.
This is not an ad. I'm sharing these because the crisis is here, truth still has power, and I refuse to give up. Will you?
"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty."
Wendell Phillips
Tell me more about ground.news, as referenced in the poster? I've been hearing that's a full-on racket from all sides of the spectrum.
People claim it’s a racket from both sides because it calls a spade a spade. Leftists don’t like it because it puts the WSJ as a centrist and trustworthy news source while CNN is considered leftist news and trumpies don’t like it because it says Fox News is untrustworthy propaganda and The NY Times is a trusted source.
Edit: only only lemmy could CNN be called a right wing news source
Calling CNN a leftist news org is "calling a spade is a spade" if you are referring to a spade you dig with and a spade you play cards with.
Otherwise known as a lie, or manipulative speech. It may not be a fascist news agency but it is center right at best. Designed to uphold the capitalist state.
Ground News doesn't have its own independent rating system. It doesn't call spades a spade. It averages the rating from three independent sources.
You can edit it's rating for your own profile if you want.
That’s my point, idk how else you can try to be as non-biased as possible when averaging the he ratings of three fact checking agencies that are trying to be as non-biased as possible.
No. That was not your point. Your point, as simple as it was, was that both sides don't like it so it must be good.
Second, averaging three systems together only work if their methods and scales conform. These do not. Bias and unbias is a silly determinant to assess if the details aren't aligned.
If both sides didn’t like it no one would use it. Sane and rational people like it, zealots don’t
I use it and have criticisms. Its fills a hole, but I don't take everything uncritically. Rational people look at methodology and assess the validity based upon that criteria.
People who note that left and right don't like it and then dismiss them as zealots are sanctimonious and lazy.
It's at best spending way too much money on advertising. The sheer number of youtube videos they sponsor should be reason enough to avoid giving them any money.