
joined 1 year ago

I'm right there with you. Doing it now. The more stumbling tired I get, the better.

Ground News doesn't have its own independent rating system. It doesn't call spades a spade. It averages the rating from three independent sources.

The Ground News bias ratings assess the political bias of news publications. They are based on the average rating of three independent news monitoring organizations: All Sides, Ad Fontes Media, and Media Bias Fact Check. Each news monitoring organization has their own methodology - including editorial reviews, blind bias surveys, independent reviews, and third party research. The analysis is done in the context of the U.S. political system.

A screenshot of Ground News Bias Rating for the Wall Street Journal

You can edit it's rating for your own profile if you want.

The candidate that gets 270 electoral votes wins. In most states, the candidate who gets the most votes and not a majority wins all the electoral votes for that state.

I had this same experience yesterday. I recognized it from my youth and was sort of transported back to that time and thought, "It fucking sucked then and sucks now." Then I moved on with my life.

The framing of this article is all wrong. There aren't just two choices: discipline or wild abandon. There's times and places for both. Five pm at the colorful hippy burrito spot with dinosaur toys and a large play area, let them run free. Out at a special dinner with family bring them with, set your timer for their ability to keep it together and make adjustments as needed. If they don't meet the standard, thats cool. Not their fault and probably not even your fault. Do a vibe check and leave if needed.

Hell, I'm all for your kid doing frog jumps down the grocery aisle, but be a sentinal and see if there's a person in that aisle that would care. You can read the people who are delighted by the child's exuberance and those who want nothing to do with it. I'm not a big fan of screens, but they have their time and place like on the six hour flight.

Any case, there's only so much you can do when parenting. Creating a safe connection for them is so important and then trusting you to see them, receive them, and make the unknown a little bit safer is all a tall task.

[–] TempermentalAnomaly@lemmy.world 6 points 3 days ago (2 children)

This is exactly what keeps me from switching. I don't have the time or pull to do knuckle down on an important PC. Maybe when I have a backup one, I'll do it. Who knows.

Claude. To be fair, it had trouble OCR-ing it. After way too much back and forth about the pattern, it produced this:

    rows, SEQUENCE(INT((667-30)/13+1),1,30,13),

Which is correct, but obviously the calculations would be best served by reorganizing the table and probably using a pivot table or at least grouping and subtotaling.

[–] TempermentalAnomaly@lemmy.world 6 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Wait till AI is able to help.

[–] TempermentalAnomaly@lemmy.world 10 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Nothing in this article addressed tooth decay or dental formation issues.

Also from the article:

Hunter-gatherers who live until the age of 15 typically experience a lifespan of around 72 years. Among elderly hunter-gatherers, the incidence of diseases such as cancer and high blood pressure is very low. When recalculating the average lifespan excluding child mortality, the average lifespan for hunter-gatherers ranges from 68 to 78 years.

I also never said we shouldn't follow science or modern medicine.

Well shit. I thought it was BS too. But damn if it didn't abort after a little deep thinking on the Olympics.

[–] TempermentalAnomaly@lemmy.world 20 points 6 days ago (9 children)

Dental health of hunter gathers looks like it was much better than ours:

"Hunter-gatherers had really good teeth," says Alan Cooper, director of the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA. "[But] as soon as you get to farming populations, you see this massive change. Huge amounts of gum disease. And cavities start cropping up."

Additionally, they had better spacing due to eating tougher foods like high fiber items and tendons. So there's less dental impacting like we have with wisdom teeth.

One sleeve per bite. Take one sleeve in the morning and one in the evening. Call me in the morning.


The singular of data in Latin is datum, but in English it's data. It is a mass noun where it's not easy to break it into individual, countable pieces. Something like sand is almost never represented in ite plural form of sands.


I've been rewatching Slow Horses. I remember that feeling I had during season 2 when it clicked for me. It just felt like there was something going on under the surface. And if you're paying attention, you could just smell it. Season 1 wasn't bad, it just didn't suck me in. It just felt like they were trying to show you how smart the show makers in addition to telling a smart and subtle story. Season 2 did away with that pretense and introduced some smart, subtle baddies.


This could have been anyone of us. If only we had the courage.


I was wondering others have this problem. I see a comment. There'll be a few replies to that comment and then a roll up of the remaining comments will be there. I'd expect tapping it will unroll the comments. But when I do, the bar changes to a rotating arc icon, and then return to the rolled up status. Which is to say, tapping it doesn't unroll it.


I'm currently setting up a windows 11 machine for a kid and want to make sure that their traffic is easily monitored. I've debloated much of it. Normally, I'd get rid of Edge and put on Firefox. But I noticed that Microsoft Family has the ability to monitor website usage.

I was wondering if there's similar functionality with Firefox or Chrome.

I'm most familiar with the iOS parental toolkit.

Finally, I want to let him have some access to some games, but I don't want him to purchase any games yet. I'm open to suggestions to getting this aspect locked in as well. I was just going to mimic my set up with Playnite. But I haven't really dug into it yet.

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