I bought a new external monitor recently and have had the issue of an intermittent display signal
Disabling the monitor in device manager fixes the issue and the monitor works fine when disabled so it's highly likely its some weird software issue but I'd like to find a proper fix for it
I am able to get it to have constant display signal by chance sometimes without disabling the display in device manager but turning off the external display brings back the issue when I turn it back on and it reconnects
OS: Windows 11
Display: Lenovo G27QC-30 with Lenovo's drivers installed *have tried with Microsoft drivers and run into the same issue
Have already tried uninstalling and reinstalling monitor on device manager and reinstalling drivers and that hasn't fixed the issue
Also have already tried using display driver uninstaller to clean install graphics drivers
the events tab in windows device manager for the monitor properties does show this error sometimes:
Device not started (monitor)
Device DISPLAY\LEN66F4\5&3287afbc&1&UID4352 had a problem starting.
Driver Name: oem64.inf
Class Guid: {4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
Service: monitor
Lower Filters:
Upper Filters:
Problem: 0x0
Problem Status: 0xC00000E5

Edit 2:
The monitor will work fine once if i restart my laptop but disabling and re=enabling in device manager causes the problem
The guy is following basic troubleshooting practices and you didn't answer a single question. If you really want to narrow down where the issue is, try those things first before deciding you know where the issue is.
You haven't mentioned any cables, resolutions or GPU. The monitor is 2560x1440 at 165Hz. Are you running it at that? Is it straight from the GPU, or does it go through a dock? Are you on a desktop, tablet, laptop?
Does it work at 1080p60? 720p60?
Might be a crappy DP cable, and disabling the device in device manager is actually disabling extra features or AMD FreeSync or whatever, so its going back to being a dumb display
Activating amd freesync on the moniter does cause the issue but it isn't the only cause and the issue doesn't go away after turning off freesync
I'm using hdmi because my laptop only has a hdmi port
Not using a dock
The issue seems to have gone away for now after checking resolutions right up to the native 2560 x 1440 resolution
Not sure if it's just temporarily fixed or not
Edit: nevermind it's back
Ok, HDMI from laptop to monitor, running 2560x1440.
Rulled out freesync.
What refresh rate? Is it stable at 60hz?
No it is not stable at 60hz
Not stable at 60hz
Have you had other monitors working from the laptop? From that port?
You might need to RMA the monitor.
You've tried other cables, and if it's all fine with other monitors then it points at bandwidth over the HDMI connection (ruled out by using a lower resolution/refresh rate) or it points at the monitor itself.
Disabling it in device manager is such an odd fix, it is nothing I've even remotely heard of, seen or come across. Googling around it is turning up nothing.
It hints at a software issue, but that might be a red herring. Disabling the device might make windows send "safe" resolution, refresh rate, bit depth, HDR etc. so if a dodgy port/cable/monitor can't handle the higher bandwidth, the safe signal is lower bandwidth and hides the underlying issue.
But it feels like that has been ruled out.
Maybe contact the manufacturer, see if they can help? Make a list of everything you have tried, and what happened. That way, you can hopefully break through T1 support or get a fast RMA approval
Ok so setting it to limited range appears to have been a fluke because my log of further troubleshooting makes it evident.
Below i am pasting a text log of further troubleshooting tests i did, it does seem to suggest a faulty HDMI cable, Maybe the second HDMI cable i used to test twice also was faulty
i'm going to try and see if i can find another HDMI cable to test to see if that gives me any more information
but I'm wondering why disabling the monitor in device manager stops the issue if it is a faulty HDMI cable
Only reason I can think that disabling the monitor in the Device Manager is that it disabled freesync or HDR or stops windows trying to send CEC power saving commands or whatever.
I have no idea why it's a fix, but it clearly stopping windows from trying to do something which causes the screen to flash.
I would be surprised if changing between limited and full-range fixed it. That's a hangover from old broadcast standards. It doesn't change the data rates.
It seems like it's working at lower data rates?
So 1440p60 is working but 1440p144 isn't?
Which points to an HDMI cable issue, a GPU issue or a GPU driver issue (and I mention GPU/Driver because of freesync)
Its definitely not windows sending a safe resolution and / or refresh rate, i checked the monitor OSD to confirm this
HDR works fine
I discovered that the monitor is working fine without disabling it in device manager if i select a limited range under "Output dynamic range" in the NVIDIA control panel, i have tested this in 8, 10 & 12bpc and at 60, 120 & 144hz, i am running at the native resolution for the monitor which is 2560 x 1440 so something doesn't like the full range
im going to check again at lower resolutions and full range to see if i can rule out a HDMI bandwidth issue
and if this helps
the hdmi cables im using used to be used for a TV