this post was submitted on 19 Jul 2024
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Seems like something that should have been released within the first year of the switches life. Anyone really in the market for something like this at this point in time?
Knowing Nintendo, they would probably make the joycons cross compatible with the Switch 2, and that console will probably not have a way to charge the original joycons due to change in form factor or something. So a product like this might make perfect sense at this time.
Agreed, but this gets me worried about it being handheld or not. The current design is perfect for me.
What do you mean? Are you worried that it will be a portable or a plugin only console? Having this charger suggests that their next system will be a TV connected console (since a portable is mostly going to constantly be charging its controllers), but it doesn't have to be exclusive.
Or its compatible with joycons but you cannot connect them to the sides (new cons or constantly connected controls?)
The hybrid device route was so successful I doubt they will abandon it.