this post was submitted on 16 Oct 2024
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I generally enjoy a Mario Party game but I barely touched the last one. This seems promising though
The last two were pretty trash, honestly, I've been disappointed with both Switch Mario Party games so far. This one might just break that cycle but I have to admit I'm having a hard time justifying the purchase.
Gotta agree that the first Mario party for switch was terrible. Hated the concept of star points, or whatever they're called.
The last one felt just ok- like a return to form but not a stand out. 7/10 maybe. I've only done one party of Jamboree and its definitely my favourite of the switch by far. Might be on par with MP 6 for me for replayability. Lots of anti frustration features brought in, gameplay feels quick, minigames I've played so far were fun. I don't regret the purchase but also have bought every single Mario Party since the first one, even when disappointing, so maybe wait for someone else's opinion.