This fungus.
Central Texas zone 8b, near the Balcones Canyonlands. Escarpment live oak and Ashe juniper growing nearby.
Went ahead and sliced it open. This is not a puffball, based on what I'm reading it's probably an earthball. Might be Scleroderma polyrhizum "dead man's hand" or Scleroderma michiganense "potato earthball." Either way, not going to eat this one!
Google image search tells me that's either an earth puffball or a piece of bread with black garlic on it.
Mmmm...forbidden black garlic
Puffballs! Step on them when really dry and they make a satisfying POP under your foot
Eat it
Was hoping for an ID from an anonymous source on Lemmy first
Whether or not it kills you will help us identify it
But how will we know whether it killed OP or they forgot about the post
I see these occasionally, north of Utopia
App on my phone says Hard-Skinned Puffball
I get called that all the time in the app on my phone
are you sure that isn't just a case of your phone dissing you?
Looks like some sort of Bovista (puffball) to me.