Well yeah it takes of money to fund militias to guard your slaves and keep them from rising against you like some sort of democracy
Why do you think Andrew Tate felt safe setting up shop in Romania? My Romanian relatives in the US were insanely misogynistic and so are their American-born children. They literally believe that women are fundamentally inferior to men and are vocal about enforcing their beliefs.
I've never heard of this 10x thing but it reeks of "alpha male" exceptionalism that makes mediocre white boys feel powerful. Wherever these 10x people exist, I promise there are annoyed women and minorities having to take up the slack for them in every non-engineer aspect of their lives. The normal shit that's beneath them because they must dedicate all waking hours to the grind or the world will fall apart. Meanwhile normal people have to actually cook, do laundry, make appointments, raise children, etc. and catch flack for not being productive enough compared to the 10x guy who avoids showers and adult responsibilities.
They still haven't figured out how to put the 9/11 people through the justice system because it's not a punishment machine like they want for "terrorism". Not sure why any judge would approve this particular punishment request, seeing as it's basically selling them into indentured servitude outside their own jurisdiction. For any loonies that would, it would then need to get through appeals courts first. Submit the many public condemnations that threaten unconstitutional punishments as evidence.
Say no, I refuse to participate in document destruction counter to records laws and my training in not violating them. Let them try to fight you on it on court.
Isn't this type of whoopsie accounting what got Trump et al in trouble? Overvalued assets in loan applications paired with serious asset value losses/undervaluing in tax filings? Or is it worse than that?
In person, where? How many offices will be left to visit? How can a person who needs social security afford to travel hours away for what could be days of waiting for an appointment, only to find out you need additional paperwork or something?
Time to find out how fiscal conservatism handles multiple billion dollar disasters in a year without a willingness to fund for them. Guarantee rich white people will get priority disaster recovery and everyone else gets the Superdome treatment.
The state enjoys fucking over Houston/Harris County whenever possible though, including a decision to give $1 billion in Harvey recovery money to more conservative counties surrounding Harris even though Harris had way more people affected. There's also widespread state-enforced ignorance of the industrial pollution and preventable industrial accidents around here.
Don't we have sanctions against stuff like this?
Man they sure like fucking over farmers, guess Soviet-style wreckage of agriculture by the government was on the Putin "to do" list.
This the bitch who gave pre-January 6th tours to the insurrection crowd? Or was that another mindless conservative cum dumpster? I can't tell them apart any more.