Make it so felons cannot run for president and resign immediately after.
If he did that Biden would be remembered as one of the greatest presidents ever.
Welcome to politcal memes!
These are our rules:
Make it so felons cannot run for president and resign immediately after.
If he did that Biden would be remembered as one of the greatest presidents ever.
Or change the max age to 75.
Why not both? Also make it 70.
If we're selecting cool max ages for things I suggest 69.
Personally I think it should be a definition instead of a straight number
Something like the current LD50 of old age or something.
Unfortunately Trump isn’t the real underlying problem; the republican party will churn out someone even worse who is not a convicted felon.
But wait until after the Republican convention.
Biden has the chance to do the coolest thing. He wont because hes the most tepid person in the most tepid party in the country but, I'd love to be wrong.
Such a good word to describe Biden. Tepid. Like a beer that's been sitting while i worked outside, or maybe the last sip of coffee. Not the best, but better than nothing.
The worst part is that Biden and the Dems don't have the balls to do anything like this or intentionally put this verdict to the test. Just clutch their pearls and not actually do anything.
Gotta take the high road while the other side takes a road so low it undermines the foundations of everything we are!
Biden already said as much with his response to the ruling.
Paraphrasing: "We must respect the (self imposed) limits to the presidency and I will do so. We can't exactly trust the next guy to do so and that's dangerous." (Proceeds to wag finger as if that will do fuck-all)
What stopping them is that Democrats are too weak and timid to do anything.
They are simply complicit.
The mask is off. We officially cannot trust our government anymore.
Never could
Immune from criminal prosecution*
The state AGs can and will still challenge any and all such executive orders.
But if Biden hypothetically were to kidnap, beat, or murder supreme court justices or political opponents, then that's another story.
Yep, EO's are still subjected to judicial reviews.
This ruling doesn't let Biden write new laws. But, he could put out an EO and then use force to enforce it. He could put one out, that then gets overruled, then he could just claim that the justice department was wrong.
This is so fucking stupid
Biden will only abuse his presidential powers in a Trump way for real important matters.
Such as bypassing congres to send bombs to israel for Genocide.
I wish Dems had that dog in them to fight, even if this was possible. The fact they still go around calling modern day GOP their friends and colleagues says more than enough.
Cowardice, the same thing that stopped him from packing the court on his first day.
To some extent, the Democrats are playing chicken with Trump's eventual re-election. They don't want to actually "seize" power in the same way that Republicans do. They want the pendulum to swing back and forth so they can keep getting re-elected and keep playing that old game of kickball with Republicans. Dems win some. Republicans win some. Everybody gets to complain about the opposition and do nothing. That Republicans seem to be updating their modus operandi from playing kickball to playing what seems to be "king of the hill, but with knives" has not quite dawned on the Democratic party collectively yet.
For real. Biden could seemingly imprison some republicans from both chambers of Congress, and secure a majority in both chambers. From there have congress pass legislation making felons incapable of running for office, and also allowing for all actions a president does liable to prosecution.
You’re thinking too small, he could fucking have Alito and Thomas thrown in jail or hanged if he were so inclined, I’m not saying he should have them hanged, but he totally could based on this ruling
Of course Biden shouldn't do anything heinous, but he definitely should do something earthshaking against either Republican party or the Supreme Court just to make a point.
When you risk your own life, you've got balls.
When you risk other people's lives without their permission, you're an asshole.
What's stopping him is "civility politics," even when he's been handed a path to thoroughly purge corruption and fascism from the supreme court, he won't.
The GOP has shown they do not care at all about civility, and will abuse this rule.
To not play by the same rules when people's lives are at stake is a deep moral failure, and shows that politics are simply a game for the DNC when faced with a GOP that doesn't care.
An obstructionist Congress?
What's stopping him now from dissolving congress? From sending them all back home and requiring governors send new representatives. This situation is the LITERAL slippery slope Republicans have cried about for decades
The thing is that they would just not dissolve and say he has no power to do so. Biden is immune from prosecution for this, but he doesn't have power to dissolve congress and would ignore him.
What he could do is say that congress (or Trump or SCOTUS for that matter) are a threat to the nation and then have them assassinated or imprisoned. Based on this ruling, he'd be immune from prosecution for this act and would effectively dissolve them by force.
The fact that it almost incentives the president to take the most extreme and authoritarian action is the scariest part of this ruling to me.
They doubt that Biden is willing to be a murderer, and hope that Trump will be.
Those aren't things that would otherwise be crimes. He doesn't have immunity from procedure, he has immunity for crimes. He kill the justices, or kidnap them and lock them up in some undisclosed location. He has immunity in those cases. But expanding the court would require passing a law. Passing a law is not an action that the President takes, regardless of any presidential immunity. As for felons not being able to become presidents, any law congress passed to say that would be unconstitutional, because the constitution lays out the only requirements to become a US president. The constitution also limits the ways in which the constitution could be changed, and none of that is within the powers of a president. He could kill Trump, but he can't change the rules about who's allowed to be president.
He still believes that the system works. He thinks the checks and balances work. He believes that, regardless of the recent Supreme Court ruling, that he's not immune, so he won't commit crimes like that. The result might be that the final president of the Republic thought it was more important to follow tradition and live the values that he thought the president should hold, than to do what was necessary to prevent the Republic from becoming a dictatorship.
So, Fat Orange Clown, how is "hiding documents you shouldn't have as a non-president" an official act? How is anything done as "not the president" an official act?
Immunity does not equate to lack of opposition within government, which is what he is going to get if he plays by the rules. Now, if he goes in as commander in chief to depose them through a literal coup, he would be legally immune from the repercussions of abusing his powers whether it worked out or not, but the mistake here would be believing that the GQP care about legality when they only consider it a means to an end to corrupt so that the people that do care can't use it against them.
If I were in Biden's position, the first thing I'd do would be to [comment cannot legally be completed].
Last episode of ~~Dragon~~ Weekly Americano, we witnessed the once heroic group known as the Supreme Court Justice 9 reveal their evil plans meant to enslave the citizens. The author made the villains so strong, the emboldened villains themselves wrote themselves a weakness knowing that there is no opposition strong enough to wield the mighty power of “Absolute Immunity” against them. Is there anyway to stop the Supreme Court Justice 9, find out in this episode of Weekly Americano.