Have I lost track of what memes are?
Or is it the children who are wrong?
This is the place to be on the interweb when Reddit irreversibly becomes a meme itself and implodes
If you are existing mods from r/dankmemes, you should be mod here too, kindly DM me on either platform
The many rules inherited from
Have I lost track of what memes are?
Or is it the children who are wrong?
Memes died 20 years ago. People just share sentences, sometimes with pictures now.
Am I annoyed at the change, or just happy that people are reading more?
This isn't really reading. It's just marketing bullshit
The concept of memes is much more than image macros.
Is this text excerpt a meme?
Absolutely not.
I stand with you.
Duckroll was a meme.
FGSFDS was a meme.
Mr T ate my balls was a meme.
Not every image macro is a meme.
A picture of Wikipedia text or an article is not a meme. (Everyone else get off my lawn, there’s other grass to touch.)
"Hey babe, I'm so happy you have forgiven me so we can be a family together, for our child.
Anyways, here's my new song"
Never understood why people wanna hear him rap about killing his baby momma
Because it's more nuance than that?
It's not to be taken at face value. This song is about a man who struggles with addiction. He's stuck in a relationship with a nasty person all for the sake of his daughter. He's rapping with raw emotions.
You not supposed to listen to it and be like "ah fuck yeah. Murder is cool". You're supposed to listen to it and feel the same emotions he feels, which is vehement rage and desperation.
It's not more nuanced than that, millions of people deal with those issues and don't directly threaten their significant other/baby momma with literal murder you reaffirm you actually wanted to commit.
Tell me you don't understand art without telling me you don't understand art.
It's not my interpretation it's literally his words that are sourced above this shouldn't even be an argument.
Writes a song he explicitly states in the above sourced interview that it's specifically about killing his baby momma.
Says don't take it literally but also that he wanted to do it at the time.
I'm not saying it's right or wrong I'm saying it is exactly what it is and meant exactly what he meant it to mean art or not, but in this case why aren't you willing to trust the artists word.
Think about it. If the only purpose was a desire to kill the person, why write a song, why not actually do it? The obvious answer is, because he knows that would be wrong, so writing a song about it instead is a way to vent and express emotions.
The topic of the song is literally about killing someone, but that is not why it was made (how could it be, writing a song doesn't kill someone) and it's not why people listen. There is more to art than the literal subject matter.
I think what you're missing is that just because many people don't threaten those kinda actions doesn't mean that nobody wants to do it.
Lol wow doubling down on not understanding art and then explaining exactly what you don't get is peak irony, and frankly simply hilarious.
He didnt threaten her with murder. He wrote a song expressing his emotions. He exaggerated how he felt to the fullest extent.
I once told my dog that I wanted to eat her cause of how cute she is. I'm afraid to tell you that cause you just might think I run around eating pets just because I think they're cute.
Read the caption again.
But they statement he admits it's about killing her, take his word.
Where did I say I was better?
Still pretty tasteless to make the daughter sing about killing her mother
Have you heard the song? CuZ that's not what's in the song. But go off, yeah.
Misogyny has always been normal and accepted, see conservatives everywhere. The popularity of rap music as a whole is a testament to just how little people care about it.
Because we were 12 and they played it on mtv
I really don’t understand how he’s still so beloved today, especially by people who would normally “cancel” someone for threatening domestic violence. Did he make an accepted apology at some point that I missed? Got help for an undiagnosed mental illness that prompted those reactions?
A lot of his music is about internal battles, there's a lot of "out there" murdery stuff too, but it's not meant to be taken literally. It's fiction.
It'd be like saying "why do people play violent video games if they're so against violence irl"
Also because edgy
It was kind of his whole schtick, so at the time I think people appreciated his brutal honesty & rawness of character. Say what you want about Eminem, but he wasn't fake.
It had taken root long before cancel culture, so it was just part of the landscape. Despite his anger & violence in lyrics, AFAIK he didn't actually do anything. Unlike some people that rap like that...
There was also the sheer novelty of a white rapper, a come up from nothing trailer park kid. A real underdog.
To end on a refreshing/wholesome note, you should watch this. I disagree with him on a lot of stuff...but I can be happy that he did right by his daughter.