Looking pretty nice. I never got around to this level of artistry with my renders.
Only feedback I would have right now would be to add more signage and lights. You've got two that stand out and kind of take your attention.
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Looking pretty nice. I never got around to this level of artistry with my renders.
Only feedback I would have right now would be to add more signage and lights. You've got two that stand out and kind of take your attention.
Contrarily, i like the few signs—makes it feel like a secluded alley away from the busy high-traffic areas.
Great atmosphere to this. Did you post process the image or all done in blender?
Thanks! Post processed in Photoshop but not drastically. A bit of a levels adjustment, some film grain and some colour grading, otherwise it's not too different from the final render
Reminds me of stray!
cyberpunk in it's finest
Reminds me of two things here:
***I didn't play the new one because the models creep me some kinda out - but I still remember feeling amazing looking at the rendering of the city in the first game so take it as you will =)
The awful gritty loneliness of Lorn - Acid Rain's Music Video which I heard playing in the back of my mind when I first saw this. Either way you blender-heads always amaze me so keep going and kicking ass at what you do. Cause I can make a sphere - attach it to another sphere and then put an indent in one of those spheres =P!
Thats alot of work, good job!
Thank you! 🙏
New Ready or Not map haha
I love it.
How many hours did you put into it?
So actually less than you might think. Maybe 12 hours in total? I was actually trying a different workflow this time which really suited me - I pre-made a lot of assets and then effectively kitbashed my own scene from them. There's a lot of repeated elements which you don't really notice with the lighting, etc (unless you really peak close up)
Crazy. I thought a lot more.
I also thought that this is the process that everybody uses. Making things like a street sign or a bin and building a scene from there.
How did you do it before?
Before I did it the other way round, and I'd start building the scene and model things as I went. The main issues with doing it that way round were that modelling became slower as the scene got more detailed (so eventually I'd give up making new things), and I also ended up modelling a lot more things because I didn't really reuse assets as much.
This may all seem like common sense and it's probably how most people work, but up to now my process was always building staff when I needed it rather than making a load of assets in advance.
Love this! There is such an atmosphere feel to it, really well done!
Let me know when you're finished! Would love to use this as a phone wallpaper (if it's okay?).
Of course, always happy for people to use my art as wallpapers 😊 I'll probably forget to message you but once I've worked on it a bit more, I'll probably do another post. So if you keep an eye out you can use the finished version