Isn’t this kinda how the SS came to be?
I’m currently running a Deco M9 mesh network and have been thinking about switching to OpenWRT. I just get kinda overwhelmed thinking about the whole setup and config process. Anyone have any recommendations on resources to learn how to do it?
Thanks for this!! I became spoiled with Arc’s UI, but it’s a Chrome based browser. This looks like it’s the same experience without the bs.
Tbh I didn’t even mind what the bot was trying to do. I just remember opening what felt like every post and seeing dozens of lines taken up by the bot. I ended up just blocking it and cross-referencing with ground news myself.
Crazy that they look like different people between the OP image and the Wiki.
Looks like Festool tool carts
Unfortunately not everyone has the luxury. Nothing about a 9-5 preventing them being there is “exceptionally lazy”. It’s a reality people face. Especially when everything’s about to skyrocket here in price. Job security is kinda important too.
I mostly have the same thoughts on this, but I also worry that we sink so deep into the abyss that it will take a long time, if ever at all, to recuperate.
I’ve been using Netlify for smaller apps, but lately Railway has been my go to. Pretty cheap too and it covers mostly everything you’ll need to deploy app regardless of language or framework. Their UI makes it all very easy to manage with the “nodes”.
Both of those services (as do most) give you the option to load environment variables onto the app itself.
So the process is normally this: You have env vars you’re using locally like API tokens that you’re putting in your .env during development. Now you’re ready to deploy. Because you’ve gitignored that file locally, you don’t have to worry about secrets being in your code base, but also, because they’re environment variables, you’re framework will see those variables available in the “box”.
Ultimately, there’s no difference between having stuff in your local .env and injected by a service during deployment. Just make sure the env var keys are the same in each case.
Hope that’s not too confusing. If so, I’m happy to clarify anything.
EDIT: also wanna add that Supabase isn’t that bad. It helps you know exactly what you need it to provide for you and then start searching away to see how to slowly put together each of those pieces. With them, I usually start with the Auth stuff, then move on to my database and storage. Functions last if the project calls for them. There’s quite a bit of info out there if you know specifically what you’re wanting to solve at the moment.
These people are absolutely pitiful and predictable. “DEI this” and “DEI that”. Loomer is just mad she couldn’t be Trumps “DEI side chick” because she can’t shut her mouth and makes him look worse than he does on his own.