Super Mario World will always be my go-to.
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I've never really stopped playing Super Mario World.
Mario World world map is like a Mario Kart track at this point. Every year we take another lap.
Gotta be Star Fox 64 for me
Username checks out.
Apparently Pikmin 1 if that counts as a classic. Played it first last week, and itβs been amazing. Got the rest of the series straight after.
If that doesnβt count, I still regularly play Super Mario 64, which is one of my all time favorite games period.
Ocarina of Time A Link to The Past Mario 64 Super Mario World Smash 64
Super Mario Bros 3 and Pokemon Crystal are games that I always come back to, so many memories.
Super Mario 3, there is just something into it that I just keep coming back to.
would love to do an OG Zelda playthrough with my kid and then try to beat the second quest
Does Pokemon count? Because that's forever going to be my jam.
Ice Hockey and Golf. Both fantastic.
Ice Hockey was SO good! I still fire that one up from time to time.
If I still had my 64 I'd break out paper mario once a year.
Done this twice since Nintendo put it on the virtual console. Still such a fantastically funny and entertaining game.
Love the OG! I've heard Thousand Year Door is even better but I haven't gotten around to playing it.