Yep it's a really fun game. The only complain I would have is that some dialogue is a unnecessary. I mean... JUST MAKE THAT DAMN SMOOTHIE AND STOP TALKING.
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Omg yes. Reminiscent of animal crossing
Well this is exciting, I didn't even know it released today! And I get paid in 3 and a half hours! NICE!
I’m looking forward to it. Just worried that it’ll be as short as Links Awakening
I stayed up late last night playing and I agree. It's such a pretty game and the puzzles with the echos are great. You can solve things in different ways, even with the X thing where you get Tri to hold on to something and follow it with R, that's such a cool mechanic. Gathering new echoes also has a Pokemony kind of appeal for me, gotta catch 'em all and see how they work! As someone else commented I do think there's quite a bit of unnecessary dialog in this one, but other than that it's been so much fun and I'm really enjoying it.
How does it rank in the ~~cannon~~ canon of top down Zelda? Top five?
Your Ganon is in another castle.
So far yes but I'm not that far in. This is up there with lttp and between worlds
Wow, that is very good praise.
Yeah! I’m enjoying it quite a bit.
Thankfully, for those of us with hacked Switches, there's a blur removal patch out, just like with Link's Awakening. It looks so much better without that ugly smear across the bottom of the screen.
I thought it was cool that they finally explained how both of these are Zoras:
Can you elaborate on both of those things you mentioned? For those of us who haven't played it
Note the blur at the bottom of the screen. It's trying to emulate a tilt-shift effect, but since it's just applied in a straight line across the bottom regardless of how close the objects are to the camera, it just looks ugly:
The 8-bit image I posted above is of a Zora in the original LoZ. They were also in ALttP:
But in OoT, the people called Zoras looked like the white guy to the right in my earlier post. In Echoes of Wisdom they finally have both kinds in the same game, and call them River and Sea Zoras:
Thanks for the info! That blur would drive me mad
It was fun, but felt really short for a $60 game.