I love that we're appalled by that, lol. In Apple world, that's basically what it's like just hooking a flash drive to a Macbook.
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Negative. My MacBook has both usb an and usb c, so it’s as easy as…. Plugging in the flash drive?
USB-C flash drives exists...
I'm not unaware of that, but that's never what anyone hands me when they hand me a flash drive.
Can someone explain what we're seeing?
To me this looks like a compute stick with an attached DAB antenna¿¡?
It's a Chromecast with Google TV (CCwGTV) wich itself is a dongle. It's connected to a Plugable USB-C PD hub - another dongle. The white bit sticking to the left from the hub is a TP-Link UE300 Ethernet adapter - yet another dongle. Finally there's an SD card inserted in the Plugable hub as well as an HDMI coupler hooked to the other end of the CCwGTV which allows connecting an HDMI cable to it.
Thank you for your time! I did not even spot the micro-SD card first time around. This is wild!
Unfortunately that ethernet adapter can be slower than Wi-Fi because the USB is only wired as USB 2, it'll be limited to 100mbps or less. Trying to stream local media showed that real quick so I had to switch back to WiFi
Huh, interesting. I had no idea. Well I don't need it to be anywhere faster than 100M. USB2 can definitely do that. Closer to 200M. With that said, the latency is more important if you're gonna do anything like Steam Link.
Pc streaming with sundhine/moonlight is something I do pretty regularly and I went back to Wi-Fi on both of mine because everything is better including latency. At least the new one has ethernet built in but I'm not buying another TV device from Google.
I've got a usb-c (male) to usb-c (female) + headphone jack adapter, a usb-c (male) to 2x usb-a + 2x usb-c (all female) adapter, a usb-c (male) to usb-c (male) cable, a vape with a usb-c charging port, a mouse and a keyboard both with usb-a, a superfast usb-c psu and a 3d printed nintendo switch holer
I once combined all of these elements with my phone and had the ultimate android device, I showed it to my iOS using friend and his head exploded
I've been thinking about Shield TV but I hear it's not great with updates.
Anytime before the lastb year I would of heartily recommended one. Recently though they've become unable to effectively stream half the content on my nas and the default home screen is ad infested.
We have a Shield Pro 2017 and 2019. Both are having the same issues. Is just not worth it at this point to jump in.
Hopefully with the switch 2 launch we get an updated version of the Shield TV finally.
Ads? I thought the Shield didn't have any..
home screen is flush with them now
thanks google tv
Interestingly my CCwGTV very rarely shows an ad. Perhaps once a month. I hide it as soon as I see it.
That's the google TV launcher, which can be replaced