There are little end portals scattered around that will take you back to the central island. Find one and go through, it can take some searching but they do have a beacon like beam coming from them to help spot them. It helps to turn your render distance up while searching.
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Do you know that for sure or you are guesing its the same as in Minecraft? I know it should be like that, but i didnt notice a single portal for whole jorney to find ship. So i asumed i wont find any because it was wery loong run and didnt notice a single one. Also i dont recall original portal had i beacon, i know they should have them.
You know, I didn’t notice that this wasn’t a Minecraft question.
Hahahaha thats funy. If you dont know voxlibre is open source game just like minecraft, and its writen in c instead of java.. So its basicly minecraft but in the way that we all wanted it to be..
I’ve toyed around with mine test before. It was just the wording that made me not even think it wasn’t regular minecraft
The return portal opens up in the central area of the island, around the pillar the dragon stays perched on. It opens after defeating the dragon, and the portal nodes looks like the ones in the stronghold portal.
Go back to the portal you came in from.
Cant do that because i dont know where it is.. Also it was a long run before i found the ship, who knows how far away it is..