Maybe he only played the game once, and missed the 9S perspective entirely?
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I doubt he played the game even once tbh.
Maybe he's saying 9S would never have the balls to commit to the bit long enough for it to end up in sex?
Nah, you're probably right on the money
It's honestly quite relatable.
To be fair, further play-throughs make a good case for why that word is censored/it’s not quite so explicitly only the first thing people think about. Still, this is indeed a silly case of „Nah, the creator doesn’t know their own characters“ 🙈
He wasn't doing it for himself, he was doing it for us.
bruh he's like the biggest simp for her, in the most positive way possible
Yeah but he would pussy out
Based Yoko Taro.
Bruh... 9S loved 2B in so many ways
I also think 9s won't do it. But 2B will probably force it if it comes to that.
Go to the green site and you'll see Nines the victim of many things.
Is this worth a watch?
It goes from average to very good after the first half of episodes. Seemed like the budget went up. I'd recommend it.
Yes, but I found the altered story worse than the story in the game. Yoko really turned despair up to 11 with this one
I don't know who 2B or 9S is and I'm too afraid to ask.
They're characters from a game with terrible writing. Don't worry about it
They're from Nier: Automata.