We should give Elon more billions as an interim bonus instead.
-The Tesla board, probably
We should give Elon more billions as an interim bonus instead.
-The Tesla board, probably
We in the US would also like to not rely on the US software companies
Trump needs to be forcibly drowned in vat of liquid methane
I’m not reading this because it looks like it will depress me further
If it’s a full blown hot class war in the US, I’m in
All nimbly pimbly?
A private organization, in a privately owned building, on private property? Yeah nothing to see here whatsoever.
“Avoiding confusion and reducing the time spent understanding compliance may allow businesses to deliver price relief to consumers,” the press release said.
"Which we will achieve by removing the instructions for how to do these things." - these assholes, apparently.
Take that,cripples! No jobs for you anymore! Get to the back of the welfare line, if you can get get up the stairs to the office! Also, welfare has a work requirement now! Muhahahaha!
Fucking hell.....
So, you’re saying there’s a chance…
Oh no. All that faith I had in Nestle.
I can’t find a flaw in this logic
They order those in charge to bring the detainees back immediately, and if they don’t do it, the judges dispatch the US Marshalls to arrest them.