The bar is pretty low, we're talking Bethesda.
That being said, I have yet to hear anything negative about F: London.
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The bar is pretty low, we're talking Bethesda.
That being said, I have yet to hear anything negative about F: London.
I tried to play London and it crashed constantly. Now, that's not all that different an experience from playing any Bethesda game, but it did kind of kill any interest I had in the mod.
I have to try again on my system with AMD 6750 video card, on my other one with Nvidia 3070 it keeps crashing every five minutes and I was already a couple of hours in and liking it.
out of curiosity, weapon debris -option enabled if you check the base game's launcher -> options? that causes mad crashes on nvidia cards.
Disabled it but did not solve the crashes unfortunately.
Which version? The latest version includes Buffout 4 which helps some. However, yeah it crashes a lot for me, but thankfully I save a lot and have the patience to just reload. I understand not everyone does though.
It was very early on, the first week or so after it released. I'm sure they've fixed a lot of the bugs but honestly I just haven't really been motivated to try it out again.
Didn't Beth' update F4 just before F:London dropped, redering the Mod partly incompatible?
Yes, that's why it is necessary to downgrade Fallout 4 and there are instructions on how to do so on github, that and/or you can use Folon's downgrader.
Yeah, if you have it installed still you can manually add Buffout 4, if you would like to.
I do understand not wanting to try something again after a bad experience though.
The only negative thing really is the crashing. It still happens a lot for me even with the patch.
the discord for the mod is really helpful, and has a pretty smart bot to decipher crashlogs. Definitely solved some issues I had. Recommended, unless discord is a nono, which is fair.
I do some "community service" over there and help out others where I can. And seems like most crashes are either some lingering mods from old-fallout4 install, creation club mods (any cc*.* files in fallout/data -dir, or old config files in mydocs/mygames/fallout4) or "bug fix mods" intended for 1.00/1.01 folon versions, and lastly: weapon debris -option enabled - that causes crashes outright with nvidia cards.
edit: also "long loading times fix" -mod is a total nono, there's better and less files corrupting options out there (highfpsphysics)
Yeah discord is a no no for me for three reasons:
I try not to use proprietary things,
I don't like messengers without (audited and good) end-to-end encryption,
I get overwhelmed easily in groups and bad things happen.
Still, appreciate the recommendation and suggestion 🙂.
Mine was a fresh install of both fallout 4 and fallout london and hasn't had any mods added to either, so it is unlikely any of those are the reason it crashes.
Edit: I will look at that option but I have an AMD GPU, so that shouldn't be an issue if it's only nvidia.
not 100% sure if the weapon debris is nvidia only issue, but I've only seen the crashlog sniffing bot mentioning it when people have had nvidia cards.
I'll try turning it off. Thank you so much for the help!
Hey, so more testing is required but so far it seems to have not crashed since I turned weapon debris off. Thank you!
Awesome! If it helped, great!
I have never played fallout london and i 100% agree
If DLCs can be Game of the Year, then Mods should be too.
You know what, I agree. And I would love to see the look on Todd Howard's face if Fallout: London wins GotY. It should be eligible for that reason alone.
Sadly, I've not been able to get past the train bit at the start without the game crashing.
Same. 😔
Maybe I'll come back to it someday when I feel like troubleshooting more.
Which version are you running? Earlier versions didn't include Buffout 4, but with Buffout 4 either added manually or in the latest version that should fix it.
Not sure what version but it had Buffout packaged and didn't work, not even after I replaced the mod files manually.
Huh, strange.
Sorry that it keeps happening for you. Hope they fully fix it in the future.
I'll be keeping my fingers crossed. I've been dying for a Bugthesda IP game but made with competence. I'll still be dreaming of an announcement for Obsidian making Fallout 5
I mean imo The Outer Worlds is somewhat close, but I get not exactly the same.
Yeah, I'm looking forward to their fantasy game too.
Yes, close but not quite right. I want that level of writing and mechanical competence, but in the world of Fallout.
I can't say I'm looking forward to the fantasy as much, just not the genre/vibe I'm after. I'm still pretty full up on fantasy from The Witcher 3, which should say something.
Why not link to the actual project? I was not aware and wondered about the name. My brain always read Hellgate London.
Oh, I was more trying to have a discussion about it than link folks to it.
Yeah, but if you want more people to talk about it with you should link it anyway, so others can try it out.
Have done so, hope that helps!
I vow to play this one day when it's stable.
I think as long as the patched version is used and weapon debris is disabled it should be pretty stable.
I see, thank you. I'll have to look again.
It's kind of a shame that the pistol anarchists weren't really a faction.
All the groups the game marks as 'official' factions are all pretty horrible and I'd rather see a london without any of them.
It does make sense though, the anarchists just like they would be in real life are concerned with looking after their own sector and are wise enough to realise than going outside of that would stretch them too thin.
Still, it would be nice to work with perhaps a coallition/federation of anarchist groups who don't want to control but genuinely improve london which all of the existing groups only want to do through control.
I'd really like an alternative to outright violence for revenge or control in these games. Only using it as a last resort or like a scalpel rather than an army of guns.
I can't wait to get a new PC eventually. I've been missing out on some exciting mods and PC games the past 5 or 6 years
Hope you can get one soon!
Possibly! It'll happen eventually. I'm in no rush I suppose. I've got plenty in my backlog already and not enough time haha