I dunno man, I feel like they are kind of nailing it
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godzilla trees, kfc, kurisumasu keki. yup. sure are.
Mary Christamsu every Nyan
It is ケーキ, not ケキ
~ Source: I'm learning Japanese
Honestly ー can go to hell, it's the only issue I've got with reading tests
Yeah, they did what they always do and elevated something they adopted because they are divorced from the rules that structured it elsewhere.
They just need to add gingerbread skyscrapers getting destroyed
Or more likely they understood the rules but said fuck it and made it more fun
Skill level: Asian, for sure.
Figure it out?!
I think they nailed it!
Japan ~~is still trying to figure out~~ has figured out Christmas.
Making it look like America is still trying to figure out Christmas.
Looks like they figured it out pretty good.
I think they are closer to the mark than we are in North America
I'd love to have a Godzilla in my living room than a plain old Christmas tree
I ride motorcycle and I've lobbied my wife for years to just bring in my bike and display it all winter long and even decorate it like a Christmas tree.
Will bring a nice holiday smell to the house
lol .... that's only something you could do in a closed well sealed room once in your life.
Sad to see so many places opting for artificial Godzillas these days
it's understandable; they are probably being environmentally conscious and trying to avoid giving the ax to >!the population with another nuclear bomb!<
Oh and I suppose you think everyone should go out and kill their own Godzilla for Christmas like in the old days? Some of us don't have time for that sort of thing you know!
Kaiju > Jesus.
At least Kaiju are real.
Kaiju are responsible for far fewer mass casualties in the last 2000 years.
In 2025 I'm celebrating Kaijmass.
Well, I'm pretty sure they won.
Ngl this is pretty perfect
this is what dominating Christmas looks like
No they've got it figured out
I mean Christmas was originally about bringing in forest spirits (believed to live in evergreens) to protect your home from evil spirits (probably bugs), so, godzilla is pretty on point
Pretty sure christains stole winter solstice from the Pagans and changed it
what I described was a pagan tradition, which was "adopted" by, iirc, the catholic church so pagans could convert and still celebrate thier traditions. I don't remember all the winter solictice traditions but I am sure other traditions or holidays have been added to the amalgam over the centuries, like, the whole deal with Santa.
Maybe we are the one still trying?
Japan is lightyears ahead of us when it comes to Christmas.
Figure it out? Looks like a christmas win to me…
They got the spirit tho
The spirit of destruction.
Figuring out how not to be so badass, you mean? I'd take a Christmas tree Godzilla.
That is 100% my kind of Christmas.
Funny. Resisting Christmas through opposition is well established now, while twisting its narrative seems way more effective at making it your own.
Missing Christmas mothra on top.
Christmas is about traditions. Godzilla is a Japanese tradition
I feel like we have a lot to learn from this
But why do the shops have those cookies only at christmas?!
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