No but that does look like quite the battlefield for a 40K battle.
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I have no idea what that is. I know I'm on Lemmy. I also don't watch Star Trek. Boo me out of the room .
Its a tabletop game that bears some resemblance to dungeons and dragons, where you have miniature figures representing troops and move them around a physical battlefield scale model, fighting and strategizing against another player
He's saying this would make a cool 'burning building' battlefield for playing the game on top of, since it looks like a burning building about to collapse into rubble
That's an awesome piece of art. Would hang this on my wall immediately!
Thank you. I just started putting some real time into making art at 50 years old. First time since I was a skateboard/graffiti kid. I like this one too. It hangs in our house.
You can find me on the some of the really evil billionaire owned socials as bigfatzeroart.
Wow, nice!
That's cool.
I thought this was d&d terrain lol. Looks fantastic! It has a lot of very distinctive texture to it!