this slaps
Would that I were so lucky. I am, in fact, Tymon Brown, for whatever that's worth.
I don't even know what to do with myself, reading this. It's so fucking nightmarish. Why do we allow this hell to continue? That man should have been in a warm, safe bed. And he could have been if we didn't hate our own people so much.
Very much appreciate that 🖖
My website has links to most of my works, or my linktree for the rest. I'll be releasing work with Jacobin Magazine soon too.
It ran out of money and everyone got laid off in 2022. We've all been looking for work since then, but I've got a few irons in the fire I'll be releasing soon.
Are you fucking insane?
This is an absolute nightmare scenario
... what?
EDIT: ah, you're referencing the bottles in the photo, ha. Yeah, that's true, but that photo was taken in 2009 and is inextricably linked with the album. Such is life.
Glad you enjoyed the tracks <3
This is so dope!
It's about thaim!